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Field Trips and Courses - 1998

The trips for the 4th quarter of 1998 were:

1 October 1998 Thursday Porterville to visit the flower show. We will also ascend the Dasklip Pass and drive into the Keerom Valley. This promises many rare species.
9 October 1998 Friday Worcester to visit the flower show. Atlassing the endemic species between Worcester and Wolseley. Looking for the extinct Ld spirale.
15 October 1998 Thursday Napier to Bredasdrop. Gap-filling and looking for new populations of our newly discovered Spiderhead.
21 October Wednesday Southern Elgin Valley and High Noon area above Kleinmond. Plugging a gap
26 October Monday Wellington to visit the flower show. We will also atlas the Bainskloof Pass and forestry areas behind Wellington.
28-30 October Fri - Sun Outeniqua Pass and environs to check on the identity of various Paranomi
6-19 November   Gauteng / Swaziland / Mpumulanga trip as detailed below
7 November Saturday Course at the Witwatersrand Botanical Garden
8 November Sunday Field course with Natural History Society of Swaziland at Malalotja NR
11 November Wednesday ID and atlassing course in Mbabane.
14-15 November Sat - Sun Paaskloof with the MCSA-Magaliesberg Section for course on ID and atlassing.
16-18 November Mon -Wed Drakensberg Escarpment.
25 November Wednesday Riviersonderend to look for more populations of Ls harpagonatum. We will try to approach the area from the top!
3 December Thursday Lower Berg River Valley. Looking at the Sandveld south of Piketberg.
5-6 December Sat - Sun Skimmelberg. Looking at the species of the higher Olifants River Valley.
9 December Wednesday Pearly Beach - Wolvengat area looking at the Limestone and Elim Fynbos endemics.
17 December Thursday Cherry picking in the Klondyke - and trying to identify the mystery Dwarf-tufted Sugarbush spotted last year.
18-20 December Fri - Sun 4X4 trail in the Keeromsberg, looking at the high altitude Fynbos. Cost R50.00 per person for camping fees.

FUTURE TRIPS: Hogsback and west. Looking for the Drakensberg distributional records of Protea lorifolia. Also, Baviaansberg north of the Hex River.

If you have any trips you would like to see us participate in, please contact Val at (021) 761 1425.


presents a


Presenter: Dr Tony Rebelo, NBI

Can you identify these Proteas?
Red Sugarbush - Photo: Nigel Forshaw Black-beard Sugarbush - Photo: Nigel Forshaw Shuttlecock Sugarbush - Photo: Nigel Forshaw Common Ground Sugarbush - Photo: Nigel Forshaw

Click here for More Proteas to Identify

Lectures: Will take place in the Seminar Room, Kirstenbosch Research Centre, NBI Kirstenbosch. Turn right at security box at entrance to Kirstenbosch, then follow signs to the Research Centre.

Fieldwork: Will take place in Kirstenbosch Garden. There will be no entrance fee.

Times as Follows:

Saturday 12 SEPTEMBER 1998

09h00 - 11h00 Lecture: Introduction to The Protea Family, Tools for Identification
11h00 - 11h15 TEA
11h15 - 12h30 Lecture: The Sugarbushes/ Protea
12h30 - 13h30 LUNCH
13h30 - 16h00 Fieldwork: Proteas

Sunday 13 SEPTEMBER 1998

09h00 - 11h00 Lecture: The Conebushes/ Leucadendron Genus
11h00 - 11h15 TEA
11h15 - 12h30 Lecture: The Pincushions/Leucospermum and their Allies
12h30 - 13h30 LUNCH
13h30 - 16h00 Fieldwork: Leucadendrons and Leucospermums

The cost of the course is R85.00, payable on Registration [from 08h30]. For those not yet in possesion of an Atlassing Kit [ manual and field components] the total cost will be R100.00. Booking is essential - Please phone 021-7611425 or have a look at our Protea Atlas Office Contact Details.

Field Trips

All are welcome on the field events listed below.

The weekday trips will comprise either short walks or roadside spot-checks, meeting at 08h30 (note the winter time) outside the Kirstenbosch bottom gate and returning about 18h00 depending on participant's needs. We will survey patches of veld suitable for conservation outside Cape Town and welcome any volunteers to tackle groups other than proteas.

For more information, to facilitate booking and to find out about additional trips, please contact Val at (021) 761 1425.

The trips for the 3rd quarter of 1998 were:

1-5 July 1998 Wed-Sun Indigenous Plant use Forum, Louis Trichardt. With some atlassing in the Northern Province and some recruiting and lecturing
5-10 July 1998 Sun-Fri Atlassing and contacting atlassers in Northern Province and Gauteng
23 July 1998 Thursday Greyton-Caledon roadside atlassing - filling the gaps. Looking for Ld teretifolium and Pr restonifolia
29 July 1998 Wednesday Napier focussing on the Fynbos foothills around Fairfiled in the Akkedis and Elandsberge
8-9 August 1998 Sat-Sun Geelberg - KoueBokkeveld. Leader Ivor Jardine
13 August 1998 Thursday Stettynskloof and DuToits Kloof Pass. Extending the distribution of Pr acuminata in spectacular kloofs
19 August 1998 Wednesday Simonsberg and Stellenbosch foothills. Ld argentuem and savouring the winelands
27 August 1998 Thursday Piketberg and Clanwillian Wildflower Show, concentrating on the Piekenierskloof Pass
28 August 1998 Friday Hopefield Fynbos Show, filling gaps to the Berg River
4 September 1998 Friday Caledon Wildflower Show, with a transect across the Swartberg Mountain for the fit, with old localities for Ld cryptocephalum for the less fit
11 September 1998 Friday Elim Flower Festival, atlassing northeast of the town towards Bredasdorp - getting the raries Pr pudens and Ld elimense
12-13 September 1998 Sat-Sun Protea identification course at Kirstenbosch. Please book now
18 September 1998 Thursday Darling Flower Show, checking on our range extensions to the Malmesbury endemics, Ls parile, Se lineare and Di proteoides, and looking for the Ls parile/Ls rodolentum switchover point
22 September 1998 Tuesday Our AGT clashes with the following flower shows: Gans Bay, Betty's Bay, Fernkloof and Villiersdorp - we will drop off posters and atlas en route as time allows
24-27 September 1998 Thu-Sun The 1998 AGT will take place at Grootvadersbos. Please book now.
30 Septemeber 1998 Wednesday Robertson Spring Show - Although not featuring Fynbos, we will use this to soak up some ambience and try (again) for new localities of Ve latebrosa

FUTURE TRIPS: Wildflower shows: Porterville 1 October 1998, Worcester 9 October 1998, Wellington 26 October 1998, Rondevlei and surrounds.

The trips for the 2nd quarter of 1998 were:

3-5 April 1998 Fri-Sun Attakwaskloof - combination 4X4 and hiking, to see Ld olens, Ld ericifolium, Ls hamatum, Pa longicaulis, and sort out atlassing problems with Ld tinctum/pubibracteolatum, Pa dispersus/ dregei/ esterhuysenae and resolve a few locality discrepancies
6-7 April 1998 Mon- Tue Training southern Cape Rangers at Anysberg - mapwork and atlassing. Visiting and collecting seasonal data for Ld cadens, Pr convexa, Ld osbornei and other arid proteas. Lab work Monday. Field work Tuesday. Join us to help or learn
18 April 1998 Saturday Mountain Club atlassing walk, Silvermine. Organizer: Denise Moody
22-24 April 1998 Wed-Fri Fynbos Forum - presenting poster at Waenhuiskrans. Costs available at request
29 April 1998 Wednesday Kogelberg north slopes above Steenbras Dam - breathtaking scenery, Di thymelaeoides thymelaeoides, Pa spicatus, tracking an odd record of Mi hottentoticus, Mi capitulatus and much more
30 April 1998 Thursday Riverlands - morning only trip to look for Pr odorata and look at proteas recolonising old lands
1-3 May 1998 Fri-Sun Piekenierskloof Pass to Maanberg. Hunting for Protea inopina. Also sorting out Pa dispersus/lagopus and Ld brunioides flumenlupinum
7 May 1998 Thursday Elandsberg Private Nature Reserve to see Protea mucronifolia and follow up some unatlassed records of Se roxburgii and Brabejum stellatifolium
9-10 May 1998 Sat-Sun Course- Getting to know the Proteas: Ecology and Identification. Kirstenbosch Research Centre with walks in the Gardens. Cost R85.00 for atlassers. R100.00 non-atlassers (includes kit). Book early - numbers limited
20 May 1998 Wednesday Darling-Hopefield area following up some un-atlassed transects and determining the southern boundary of Ld foedum (now 10 km S of Hopefield) and the northern limits of Ls parile and Se linearis (now just north of Riverlands NR)
28 May 1998 Thursday Transect on the south slopes of Keeromsberg and Langeberg between Hex River and Ashton. Totally unknown and unatlassed territory. Nothing promised other than a good time, but the lure of a range extension for Ve latebrosa cannot be ruled out
5-7 June 1998 Sat-Sun Bosberg on the Gansbaai coast- getting to know the limestone species, and sorting out some problematic identifications
10 June 1998 Wednesday Caledon-Greyton flats. Finding unburned patches of shale fynbos and filling in gaps. Mainly Ld teretifolium and Pr restionifolia veld
13-19 June 1998   Eastern Cape. To visit atlassers there and investigate the Groot Rivierberg filling in gaps, obtaining range extensions and perhaps even discovering new species. Watch this space!
26-28 June 1998 Fri-Sun Tratra and other eastern ranges east of Wuppertal. Do these mountains contain Swartruggens species (Ve amoena, Pr pendula), Cederberg species (Ls reflexum, Se flava), Nieuwoudtville species (Ls praemorsum, Ld procerum) or all or something
30 June - 2 July 1998   Indigenous Plant use Forum, Louis Trichardt. With some atlassing in the Northern Province and some recruiting and lecturing to boot.
8-10 August 1998 Sat-Mon Geelkop in the KoueBokkeveld

FUTURE TRIPS: Any ideas? Places you would like to go to? Please let us know.

Please diarize:

The 1998 AGT (Atlas Getaway) will take place at Groot Vadersbos on the long-weekend from Thursday, September 24 - Sunday 27 September 1998. Please book now.

Contact the Protea Atlas Secretary for more information about the above events at (021) 761 1425.

Eastern Cape Programme: For details of outings and more - Libby McGill (041) 522186.

The trips for the 1st quarter of 1998 were:

22 January 1998 Thursday Kogelbay along Clarence Drive, atlassing Ls cordatum, Ls bolusi and other species low in January data.
28 January 1998 Wednesday Viljoen's and Houwhoek Pass. Filling in gaps in an otherwise well atlassed region.
30 January -1 February 1998 Sat / Sun Kamieskroon to look at Pr namaquana and Ve alpina. Investigate rumours of a possible new species, much smaller than Pr namaquana, but in flower during January.
4 February 1998 Wednesday Du Toitskloof Pass, looking at some queries and mapping the area of the new an old passes.
7 February 1998 Saturday Kogelberg peak and southwards focusing on Mi hottentoticus in flower and tracing So palustris in 12 year old veld. Also all the other high altitude Kogelberg species. Number restricted to six - on a first come basis, with 50 SRS a minimum requirement.
15 February 1998 Sunday Barry Busby will be visiting Pr nubigena. Interested? Contact Barry at 031 722382 (oh) or 031 849988 (ah). Atlassers welcome.
19 February 1998 Wednesday Bredasdorp-Napier. Ld coriaceum and a trip up the track to the radar station.
26 February 1998 Thursday West Coast, transect Langebaan to Darling.
27 February - 1 March 1998 Wednesday Potberg, going for the local endemics Ls fulgens, Pr denticulata and Pr aurea portbergensis and investigating herbarium and atlas queries: Pr nititda, Pr magnifica, Pr scabra and Ls truncatum (probably Ls utriculosum) from on top of Potberg.
9 March 1998 Thursday Steenboksberg: Ld cryptocephalum, Ld elimense salteri. Taking the track to the radio mast and investigating the valley south of Shaw's Pass.
14 March 1998 Saturday Kirstenbosch Annual Plant Sale. Lots of proteas on sale, with some specials! Come and get them.
20-22 March 1998 Wed-Sat 4 X 4 trail: Gamkaberg. Mi chrysanthus, Pa spathulatus "gamkaensis" and other local endemics.
25 March 1998 Wednesday Tulbagh waterfall and Worcester Valley. Does :Ld lanigerum lanigerum occur at Goudini? So imbricatus and Di myrtifolia.

Back Field Trips - 1999