Atlas Data Requiring VerificationThe following records are flagged in the Protea Atlas Database as possibly incorrect. In most cases the problem is probably one of misidentification of the species. The correct procedure in following up these queries is to visit the area and complete a SRS. Please clearly state in the Additional Remarks Box: Checking Query of Observer/date/number for Species. Where Observer/date/number is the reference given for the record and the Species is the species in question. Please note that the name given is not always the wrong name. Sometimes the probable correct name is given for another name submitted. Sometimes it is the abundance that is queried. Othertimes, the obvious species may also be present at a site with the queried species. Occassionally, the reason for the dubious species may be simply that it was planted or has escaped. The only way to disentangle these problems is for you to submit a complete and comprehensive SRS for the area. If the species is unusual or outside its normal range (and not planted), please collect a specimen for the herbarium at Kirstenbosch (if you have the necessary permit!). You may download Word documents containing the queries by clicking on Atlas Data Requiring Verification by Species or Atlas Data Requiring Verification by Map Reference. The Protea Atlas Project is looking for:
If you can help with the above please contact the Protea Atlas Office at protea@nbict.nbi.ac.za. Back Protea Atlas Project |