Overview of Protea Atlas Project
How you can contribute to the ProjectIf you are keen on outdoor recreation then consider becoming an active Atlasser and forming the backbone of the project. You may even wish to help with co-ordinating the project in your region. Alternatively, you may consider making a donation. Either for a specific aspect which interests you (such as the printing of pocket field guides, advertising, computing and data capture, competitions, or the exploration of remote locations), or to the running of the project as a whole. ContactsFor more information on the Protea Atlas Project, or for your comments and advice, please contact, the atlas co-ordinator, at protea@nbict.nbi.ac.za or visit the Protea Atlas Project Office at the National Botanical Institute, Kirstenbosch, Cape Town. For information on using Protea Atlas Project data for research or environmental investigations contact Tony Rebelo, the scientific officer, at zoot@nbict.nbi.ac.za Back Protea Atlas Project |