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White Water Sugarbushes - Proteas

Common Shuttlecock Sugarbush - Protea aurea aurea

Common Shuttlecock Sugarbush - Photo: Nigel Forshaw Common Shuttlecock Sugarbush - Photo: Nigel Forshaw Habit: A large erect shrub to 5m tall
Fire survival: Killed, only seeds survive
Sexual system: Both sexes in each flower
Flowers: All year round, peaking January to June
Pollinator: Bird
Fruit: Stored on plant
Seed dispersal: Wind
Seed storage: In seedheads on plant
Rarity status: Not threatened, social in dense stands
Habitat: Sandy soils, 150-800m
Distribution: Riviersonderend, Langeberg & Outeniqua Mountains

Potberg Protea - Protea aurea potbergensis

Potberg Sugarbush - Photo: Nigel Forshaw Potberg Sugarbush - Photo: Nigel Forshaw Habit: A large, erect shrub to 5m tall
Fire survival: Killed, only seeds survive
Sexual system: Both sexes in each flower
Flowers: April to July, mainly May and June.
Pollinator: Bird
Fruit: Stored on plant
Seed dispersal: Wind
Seed storage: In seedheads on plant
Rarity status: Vulnerable, social in dense stands
Habitat: Sandy soils, 200-360m
Distribution: Confined to the Potberg Mountains near Cape Infanta

Hottentot Sugarbush - Protea lacticolor
Hottentot Sugarbush - Photo: Chris Berens Habit: An erect shrub up to 6m tall
Fire survival: Killed, only seeds survive
Sexual system: Both sexes in each flower
Flowers: February - June, mainly March - April
Pollinator: Bird
Fruit: Stored on plant
Seed dispersal: Wind
Seed storage: In seedheads on plant
Rarity status: Not threatened
Habitat: Streambanks or moist Cederberg shale, 600-1500m
Distribution: Slanghoek to Hottentots-Holland Mountains and Groenland Mountains

Forest Sugarbush - Protea mundii
Forest Sugarbush - Photo: Nigel Forshaw Habit: An erect shrub up to 8m tall
Fire survival: Killed, only seeds survive
Sexual system: Both sexes in each flower
Flowers: January - September, mainly February - April
Pollinator: Bird
Fruit: Stored on plant
Seed dispersal: Wind
Seed storage: In seedheads on plant
Rarity status: Not threatened
Habitat: Moist slopes and forest margins, 200-1300m
Distribution: Kogelberg to Klein River Mountains, Outeniqua and Kouga Mountains to Tsitsikamma and Winterhoek Mountains

Water Sugarbush - Protea punctata
Water Sugarbush - Photo: David Osborne Habit: An erect shrub up to 4m tall
Fire survival: Killed, only seeds survive
Sexual system: Both sexes in each flower
Flowers: December - June, mainly March and April
Pollinator: Bird
Fruit: Stored on plant
Seed dispersal: Wind
Seed storage: In seedheads on plant
Rarity status: Not threatened
Habitat: Seeps in sandstone or shale slopes, 1200-2000m
Distribution: Cederberg to Riviersonderend Mountains and to Swartberg, Kammanasie and Kouga Mountains

Waterlily Sugarbush - Protea subvestita
Waterlily Sugarbush - Photo: NBI Collection Habit: An erect shrub up to 5m tall
Fire survival: Killed, only seeds survive
Sexual system: Both sexes in each flower
Flowers: December - June, mainly January - March
Pollinator: Bird
Fruit: Stored on plant
Seed dispersal: Wind
Seed storage: In seedheads on plant
Rarity status: Not threatened
Habitat: Montane, highland sourveld and fynbos, 1200-2300m
Distribution: Mpumalanga, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, Lesotho, Eastern Cape, escarpment from Wakkerstroom to Somerset East and Klein Swartberg

Creeping Beauty - Protea venusta
Creeping Beauty - Photo: Bert Bongers Habit: An prostrate shrub up to 3m across and 0.7m tall
Fire survival: Killed, only seeds survive
Sexual system: Both sexes in each flower
Flowers: January - March, mainly January - February
Pollinator: Bird
Fruit: Stored on plant
Seed dispersal: Wind
Seed storage: In seedheads on plant
Rarity status: Not threatened
Habitat: Cool, rocky, southern slopes and summits, 1700-2000m
Distribution: Swartberg and Kammanasie Mountains

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