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Field Trips and Courses - 2001

Field Trips and Courses for 1st Quarter 2001

Western Cape

The weekday trips will comprise roadside spot-checks, meeting at 07h00 outside the Kirstenbosch bottom gate and returning well after 18h00. For more information and to facilitate booking, please contact the Office.

Please watch the web for additional trips.


27-31 Dec: Loerie-Longmore and Baviaansberg and Steytlerville. Checking on Ld loeriense.

4 Thu-7 Sun: GrootVadersbos checking up on endemics east of Tradouw Pass.

17 Wed: Western Hex River – filling in gaps at the base of the high mountains.

20-21 Weekend: Witsand – looking at the limestone hills w of the Duivenhoks R and north slopes Potberg.

29-2 Feb: Langeberg and Hills N of Montague – checking up on range extensions.


5-9: Konstabel and White Hill. Determining how far the Swartruggens species leak into the Karoo.

14 Wed: Witzenberg Vlakte looking at Sp tulbaghensis and Se confragosa.

19-23: Suurberg and Grahamstown. Looking for missing proteas.

24-25 Weekend: Maatjiesrivier in the Cederberg. Exploring easternmost ranges into the Karoo.

28-1 Mar (Wed & Thurs): Viljoenshof and Koude Mountains near Agulhas.


5-9: Riversdale Hills – looking for Pr decurrens and humiflora and Ld coriaceum.

14 Wed: Armscor area w of De Hoop – filling in gaps on shale and limestone proteas.

17-18 Weekend: Botanical Society Garden Fair.

21-25: Annual Get-together 2001

26-30: Final gap filling – area still to be determined.

Swaziland: Regional Co-ordinator: Linda Dobson ( +268 404 4789) or (Fax +268 604 4776) :

Gauteng: Regional Co-ordinator: Reuben Heydenrych on (012) 348 3078.


10-11: Strydpoort Mountains southeast of Pietersburg close to the Wolkberg Wilderness Area. Reuben will be leaving Pretoria early on Saturday morning to arrive at the destination by 9am. Camping out on Saturday night. Conservationist Cor van den Berg and botanist Pieter Winter will be there. Species: Silver Sugarbush - Protea roupelliae, Common Sugarbush - Protea caffra, Transvaal Sugarbush - Protea rubropilosa, Transvaal Beechwood - Faurea saligna and maybe more.

17-18: Vredefort Dome at the westernmost distribution of Protea caffra in the Free State. Close to Parys and Potchefstroom. Plenty of budget accommodation available in the area. Species will probably only include Protea caffra and one very curious herbarium record of Silver Sugarbush - Protea roupelliae.

24-25: Badplaas, Mpumalanga to visit Sappi's Suiklerboschkop Natural Heritage Site to see Common Sugarbush - Protea caffra, Silver Sugarbush - Protea roupelliae, African Suagrbush - Protea gaguedi, Dwarf Savanna - Protea welwitschii and the rather rare Dainty Sugarbush - Protea parvula.


10-11: Groot Marico / Swartruggens - There are many Common Sugarbush - Protea caffra and Transvaal Beechwood - Faure saligna herbarium records in this area to check. There has been virtually no atlassing in this area and represents a major gap in the coverage of the northern provinces.

17-18: Middelburg / Belfast - There are 2 easily accessible herbarium records of P. roupelliae in this area to check as well as plenty of Common Sugarbush - Protea caffraDwarf Savanna - Protea welwitschii and Transvaal Beechwood - Faure saligna. Reasonably-priced accommodation or camping at Botshabelo near Middelburg

Don't forget the last Annual Get Together which will be held at the Riviersonderend Mountains in the Western Cape from 21-25 March 2001.

The above trips address some of the major gaps that have been highlighted in the Northern Provinces Interim Distribution Map and to check on some significant herbarium records that have not yet been atlassed. If you cannot attend the field trips but may be in any of these areas before the end of March, please let Reuben Heydenrych know and he will send you the detail of the data to be checked.

For all of these areas, there is a significant amount of roadside atlassing that can be done, so do not be put off by thinking that you need a 4x4 or need to do a large amount of hiking.

Eastern Cape: For details of outings and more contact Libby McGill ( (041) 522 186.

Natal Kokstad: For details of outings and more contact Sue Rivett (037) 727 3502.

Natal Lowlands: For details of outings and more contact Jean Senogles (031) 865 240.

Natal Northern: For details of outings and more contact Hannie Low (03431) 250 721.

Southern Cape: For details of outings and more contact Frances Doering.

Have a look at the Field Trips for 2000 to see where the Protea Atlas Project visited last year.

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