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Snow Sugarbushes - Proteas
Sugarbush - Protea cryophila |
Habit: A prostrate shrub
forming clumps to 3m across
Fire survival: Killed, only seeds survive
Sexual system: Both sexes in each flower
Flowers: January - April
Pollinator: Rodents
Fruit: Stored on plant for a few years
Seed dispersal: Wind
Seed storage: In seedheads on plant
Rarity status: Rare, confined to a few peaks
Habitat: Sandstone soils on rocky ledges and screes, 1750-1900m
Distribution: Confined to a few central Cederberg peaks |
Frosted Sugarbush
- Protea pruinosa |
Habit: A dense prostrate
shrub up to 1.5m across and 0.5m tall
Fire survival: Killed, only seeds survive
Sexual system: Both sexes in each flower
Flowers: January - February
Pollinator: Rodents
Fruit: Stored on plant for a few years
Seed dispersal: Wind
Seed storage: In seedheads on plant
Rarity status: Rare, only a few isolated populations
Habitat: Ridges and summits, 1800-2100m
Distribution: Swartberg from Towerkop to Meiringspoort |
Hart's-Tongue-Fern Sugarbush - Protea
Habit: A rhizomatous shrub
forming clumps to 1m across
Fire survival: Resprouts from underground bole
Sexual system: Both sexes in each flower
Flowers: September - December
Pollinator: Rodents
Fruit: Stored on plant for a few years
Seed dispersal: Wind
Seed storage: In seedheads on plant
Rarity status: Not threatened
Habitat: Cederberg shale, rarely sandstone soils 450-1800m
Distribution: Cederberg to Kogelberg to Riviersonderend Mountains,
Swartberg to Kouga Mountains |
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