Data required: Se pinnata- gracilis!John Rourke would like more information on the Se pinnata-gracilis. The lowland form is known as Se pinnata and occurs from Klipheuwel to Klapmuts. Se gracilis was once known as Se pinnata longifolia. It is only known from a very few herbarium records from Paarl and Franshoek. John wants to relocate and get more data on these to ascertain if they should be the same or separate species. If atlassers could visit any of the sites below please look out for this species. If you have a permit, please collect herbarium material (not ecoscraps). We are atlassing both species as either Se grac or Se pinn. Top of Franshoek Pass Durbanville to Paarl: Wellington: Paarl to Franshoek: Franshoek to Stellenbosch Tulbagh to Bainskloof: As can be seen, most of these localities are quite vague! What is required are detailed localities from which John can obtain good material for measuring and comparing specimens. The only atlas data we have to date are: Graceful Spiderhead - Serruria gracilis Back PAN 30 |