Ld comosum comosum range extensionDave and Fay Jones have discovered a colony of Ld comomosum comosum from the Cockscomb (Elephant's Hill, 4 km SE of the peak), a range extension of 75 km from the previously easternmost herbarium record on Kouga Peak, and 30 km east of Nick Helme's 1992 atlas record. The specimen is not entirely without problems, however, in that the stem leaves are needle-like, thus resembling Ld nobile, but the involucral leaves are flat and yellow as is typical of Ld comosum. The plants are still young and the Ld nobile-features may well disappear as they age. As is typical of such discoveries, Dave's camera decided to play up and only a single photograph survived (barely) to confirm their discovery. A herbarium specimen has been requested, but it is unlikely that only a singe population of this species occurs on the Groot Winterhoek Mountains. Could atlassers please investigate other areas around the peak (the plants were found at 940 m) and collect additional herbarium material of any populations found to the east of Cockscomb Peak. Back PAN 30 |