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Leucosperum royenifolium or Leucespermum wittebergense

logo2.gif (4851 bytes)If only life were simple. While resolving the Paranomus problems in the Outeniquas we encountered a population of Eastern Pincushion - Leucospermum royenifolium, which was even more "aberrant" than usual. Apart from being grey-leaved, rather than green, the plants were definitely single-stemmed. They were also well over 1m tall. So these were definitely Swartberg Pincushion - Leucospermum wittebergense, in the Outeniquas. However, other plants were apparently resprouting, some plants had green leaves, but were single stemmed, and others were grey-leaved and appeared to be resprouters. Presumably this is a hybrid population. Of course it might suggest that the two species are not two, but one.

Please send us your feelings. Remember the features are:

Feature Leucospermum royenifolium Leucospermum wittebergense
Habit multi-stemmed single stemmed
(may branch low)
Shape prostrate mat rounded shrub
Leaf colour green grey, hairy
Leaf hairs hairless (mature)
silky when young
short dense silver/grey
Flowerheads usually clustered usually few

So please critically evaluate the plants you see – note that Leucospermum royenifolium is usually up to 0.5m tall and up to over 3m diam., whereas Leucospermum wittebergense tends to be erect. Note young leaves of the former are hairy, and the latter may also produce clusters of many flowerheads. If in doubt please collect a specimen.

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