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Ecology and Seed Dispersal and Storage

Please note that a Rabinowitz code or Rarity is defined as follows:

  • W = Widespread distribution
  • L = Localized distribution
  • B = Broad habitat
  • R = Restricted habitat
  • D = Dense populations
  • S = Sparse populations
Genus Species Rarity Status Seed Dispersal and Storage Pollinator
Au cancellata WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects
Au pallasia WBS Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects
Au umbellata WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects
Br stellatifolium WRD Not threatened Recalcitrant - water dispersal, no storage ability Insects
Di buekii LRD Endangered Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Di divaricata WRS Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Di divaricata divaricata LRS Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Di divaricata montana WRS Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Di fraterna LRS Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Di myrtifolia LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Di parilis LRD Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Di proteoides WRD Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Di thymelaeoides LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Di thymelaeoides meridiana LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Di thymelae. thymelaeoides LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Fa delevoyii   Not threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects
Fa galpinii   Not threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects
Fa intermedia   Not threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects
Fa macnaughtonii   Critically Rare Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects
Fa rochetiana   Not threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects
Fa rubriflora   Not threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects
Fa saligna   Not threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects
Gr banksii   Cultivated Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Birds
Gr robusta   Cultivated Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Birds
Ha drupacea   Invader Serotinous - stored on plant Insects
Ha gibbosa   Invader Serotinous - stored on plant Insects
Ha salicifolia   Not threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects
Ha sericea   Invader Serotinous - stored on plant Insects
Ld album WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld arcuatum WRS Not threatened Cached by rodents underground Insects - Pria beetles
Ld argenteum WRD Critically Rare Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld barkerae WRD No longer threatened Cached by rodents underground Insects - Pria beetles
Ld bonum LRD Endangered Cached by rodents underground Insects - Pria beetles
Ld brunioides brunioides WRD Not threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects - Pria beetles
Ld brunioides flumenlupinm LRD Critically Rare Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects - Pria beetles
Ld burchellii LRD No longer threatened Cached by rodents underground Insects - Pria beetles
Ld cadens LRS Critically Rare Cached by rodents underground Insects - Pria beetles
Ld coniferum WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Wind
Ld chamelaea WRD Endangered Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects - Pria beetles
Ld cinereum WRS No longer threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld climacticum LRD Endangered Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld conicum WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld comosum WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld comosum comosum WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld comosum homaeophyllum No longer threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld concavum LRD Critically Rare Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Wind
Ld cordatum WRD No longer threatened Cached by rodents underground Insects - Pria beetles
Ld coriaceum WBD Endangered Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects - Pria beetles
Ld corymbosum WBD Vulnerable Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects - Pria beetles
Ld crassulaefolium LBD Not threatened Cached by rodents underground Insects - Pria beetles
Ld cryptocephalum WRD Endangered Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld daphnoides LRD Vulnerable Cached by rodents underground Insects - Pria beetles
Ld diemontianum LRS Critically Rare Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld discolor LRS Critically Rare Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld dregei WRD Critically Rare Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld dubium WRD Not threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Wind
Ld elimense LRD Vulnerable Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects - Pria beetles
Ld elimense elimense LRD Vulnerable Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects - Pria beetles
Ld elimense salteri LRD Endangered Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects - Pria beetles
Ld elimense vyeboomensis LRS Endangered Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects - Pria beetles
Ld ericifolium WBD No longer threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Wind
Ld eucalyptifolium WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld flexuosum LRD Endangered Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld floridum LRD Endangered Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects - Pria beetles
Ld foedum WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld galpinii WRD Vulnerable Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld gandogeri WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld glaberrimum erubescens WRS Not threatened Cached by rodents underground Insects - Pria beetles
Ld glaberrim. glaberrimum WRS Not threatened Cached by rodents underground Insects - Pria beetles
Ld globosum LRD Endangered Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects - Pria beetles
Ld grandiflorum LR Extinct Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects - Pria beetles
Ld gydoense LRD Not threatened Cached by rodents underground Insects - Pria beetles
Ld lanigerum WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld lanigerum lanigerum WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld lanigerum laevigatum   Vulnerable Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld laureolum WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld laxum WRD Endangered Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects - Pria beetles
Ld levisanus WRD Endangered Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld linifolium WBD No longer threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld loeriense LRD Critically Rare Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld loranthifolium WBD Not threatened Cached by rodents underground Insects - Pria beetles
Ld macowanii LBD Endangered Serotinous - stored on plant Wind
Ld meridianum WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld meyerianum LRD Not threatened Cached by rodents underground Insects - Pria beetles
Ld microcephalum WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld modestum WBD No longer threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld muirii WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld nervosum LRD Critically Rare Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld nitidum WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects - Pria beetles
Ld nobile WBD Critically Rare Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld olens LRD Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Wind
Ld orientale LRD Vulnerable Cached by rodents underground Insects - Pria beetles
Ld osbornei WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld platyspermum WBD Vulnerable Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld pondoense LRD Critically Rare Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld procerum WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld pubescens WBD Not threatened Cached by rodents underground Insects - Pria beetles
Ld pubibracteolatum WRD No longer threatened Cached by rodents underground Insects - Pria beetles
Ld radiatum LRD Critically Rare Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld remotum LRD Critically Rare Cached by rodents underground Insects - Pria beetles
Ld roodii LRD Critically Rare Cached by rodents underground Insects - Pria beetles
Ld rourkei LRD Critically Rare Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld rubrum WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Wind
Ld sericeum LRD Endangered Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects - Pria beetles
Ld sessile WBD Not threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects - Pria beetles
Ld salicifolium WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Wind
Ld salignum WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld stelligerum LRD Endangered Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld sheilae LRD Not threatened Cached by rodents underground Insects - Pria beetles
Ld singulare LRS Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects - Pria beetles
Ld stellare WBS No longer threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects - Pria beetles
Ld sorocephalodes WRD Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects - Pria beetles
Ld spirale LRD Extinct Serotinous - stored on plant Wind
Ld spissifolium WBS Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld spissifolium fragrans WBS Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld spissifolium natalense   Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld spissifolium oribinum     Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld spissifolium phillipsii WBS Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld spissifol. spissifolium WBS Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld strobilinum LRD Critically Rare Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld teretifolium WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Wind
Ld thymifolium LBD Endangered Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects - Pria beetles
Ld tinctum WRD Not threatened Cached by rodents underground Insects - Pria beetles
Ld touwsbergensis WRD Not threatened Cached by rodents underground Insects - Pria beetles
Ld tradouwense LRD Vulnerable Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects - Pria beetles
Ld uliginosum WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld uliginosum glabratum WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld uliginosum uliginosum WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ld verticillatum LRS Endangered Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects - Pria beetles
Ld xanthoconus WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects - Pria beetles
Ls arenarium LRS Endangered Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Ls bolusii LRD No longer threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Ls calligerum WBD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Ls catherinae WRD No longer threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls cordatum LRS Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls cordifolium WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls conocarpodendron WBD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls conoc. conocarpodendron LBD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls conocarpodendrn viridum WBD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls cuneiforme WBD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls erubescens LRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls formosum WRD Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls fulgens LRD Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls gerrardii   No longer threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls glabrum WRD No longer threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls gracile LRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Ls grandiflorum WBD Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls gueinzii LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls hamatum LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Rodents
Ls harpagonatum LRD Endangered Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Rodents
Ls heterophyllum LBD Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Ls hypophyllocarpodendron WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls hypophyl. canaliculatum WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls hypophyllocarpodendron. WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls innovans   Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire
Ls lineare WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls lineare calcareophila LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls muirii LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls mundii LRD No longer threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls oleifolium WBD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds and Bees
Ls parile LRD Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Ls patersonii WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls pedunculatum LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Ls pluridens LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls praecox LRD Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls profugum LRS No longer threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls prostratum WBS Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Ls praemorsum WBD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls reflexum LRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls reflexum luteum LRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls r. reflexum LRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls rodolentum WBD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Ls royenifolium WBD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Ls saxatile LRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls saxosum   Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls secundifolium LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Ls spathulatum WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Ls truncatum WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls tomentosum WRD Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Ls tottum WBS Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls tottum var glabrum LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls truncatulum WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Ls utriculosum WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls vestitum WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls winteri LRD No longer threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Ls wittebergense WBD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Ma integrifolia   Cultivated Dropped Insects
Mi arboreus LRS Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Mi argenteus LRS Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Mi capitulatus LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Mi chrysanthus LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Mi cucullatus WBD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Mi fimbriifolius LRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Mi hirtus WRD Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Mi hottentoticus LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Mi palustris LRS Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Mi pauciflorus WRS Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Mi saxatilis LRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Mi splendidus WRS Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Mi stokoei LRS Extinct Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Birds
Or zeyheri LBD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Unknown - bees?
Pa abrotanifolius WBD Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Pa adiantifolius LRS Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Pa bolusii WBS Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Pa bracteolaris WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Pa candicans WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Pa capitatus LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Pa centaureoides LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Pa dispersus WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Pa dregei WRS Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Pa esterhuyseniae WRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Pa lagopus WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Pa longicaulis LRD Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Pa nova LRD Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Pa reflexus LRD Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Pa roodebergensis LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Pa sceptrum-gustavianus WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Pa spathulatus LRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Pa spathulatus gamka LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Pa spicatus LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Pa tomentosus LRD No longer threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Pr acaulos WBD Not threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Rodents and Birds
Pr acuminata WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Unknown - Insects ?
Pr amplexicaulis WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Rodents
Pr angolensis angolensis     Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening
Pr angolensis divaricata     Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening
Pr angolensis rosea     Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening
Pr angustata LBD Vulnerable Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr aristata LRS Critically Rare Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Birds
Pr aspera WBD Not threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Rodents and Birds
Pr asymmetrica     Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening
Pr aurea WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr aurea aurea WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr aurea potbergensis LRD Critically Rare Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr baumii baumii        
Pr burchellii WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr ceaspitosa WRD No longer threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Rodents
Pr caffra caffra   Not threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects and Birds
Pr caffra rhodantha falcat     Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects and Birds
Pr caffra gazensis     Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects and Birds
Pr caffra killimandscharic     Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects and Birds
Pr caffra mafingensis     Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects and Birds
Pr caffra nyasae     Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects and Birds
Pr caffra rhodantha     Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects and Birds
Pr canaliculata WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Unknown - Insects ?
Pr convexa WBD Critically Rare Serotinous - stored on plant Rodents and Birds
Pr cordata WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Rodents
Pr coronata WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr compacta WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr comptonii   Vulnerable Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects
Pr cryophila LRD Critically Rare Serotinous - stored on plant Rodents
Pr curvata   Vulnerable Serotinous - stored on plant Insects
Pr cynaroides WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr decurrens WRD Vulnerable Serotinous - stored on plant Rodents
Pr denticulata LRD No longer threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr dracomontana   Not threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Birds
Pr draco. inyanganiensis     Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening
Pr effusa WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr enervis     Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening
Pr eximia WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr foliosa WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Rodents and Birds
Pr gaguedi   No longer threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects
Pr glabra WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr grandiceps WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr holosericea LRD Critically Rare Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr humiflora WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Rodents
Pr inopina LRD Critically Rare Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr intonsa WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Rodents and Birds
Pr lacticolor WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr laetans   Vulnerable Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Rodents and Birds
Pr laevis WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects
Pr lanceolata WBD Vulnerable Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr laurifolia WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr lepidocarpodendron WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr longifolia WBD No longer threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr longifolia minor   No longer threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr lorea WRS Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr lorifolia WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr madiensis madiensis        
Pr magnifica WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr micans micans        
Pr micans trichophylla        
Pr montana WRS Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Rodents and Birds
Pr mucronifolia LRD Vulnerable Serotinous - stored on plant Wasps
Pr mundii WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr namaquana LRD Endangered Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr nana WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Unknown - Insects ?
Pr neriifolia WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr nitida WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr nitida dwarf   Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr nubigena   Endangered Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects
Pr obtusifolia WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr odorata LRD Endangered Serotinous - stored on plant Wasps
Pr parvula   No longer threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects
Pr pendula WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr petiolaris elegans        
Pr piscina WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Rodents and Birds
Pr pityphylla WRD No longer threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr pruinosa LRD Critically Rare Serotinous - stored on plant Rodents
Pr pudens LRD Endangered Serotinous - stored on plant Birds and Rodents
Pr punctata WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr recondita WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Rodents
Pr repens WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr restionifolia WRD Vulnerable Serotinous - stored on plant Rodents and Birds
Pr revoluta WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Rodents and Birds
Pr roupelliae hamiltonii LRD Endangered Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr roupelliae roupelliae   No longer threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr rubropilosa   No longer threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Birds
Pr rupestris        
Pr rupicola WRS Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr scabra WBD Not threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Rodents and Birds
Pr scorzonerifolia WBS Vulnerable Serotinous - stored on plant Rodents and Birds
Pr simplex   No longer threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects
Pr speciosa WBS Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr scolymocephala WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Insects
Pr scolopendriifolia WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Rodents and Birds
Pr scabriuscula WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Rodents
Pr stokoei LRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr subulifolia WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Rodents
Pr subvestita   No longer threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr sulphurea WBD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Rodents and Birds
Pr susannae WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr tenax WBD Not threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Rodents and Birds
Pr venusta WRD Critically Rare Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Pr vogtsiae WRD No longer threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Rodents and Birds
Pr welwitschii   No longer threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects
Pr wentzeliana   Not threatened Dropped to the ground after 3-9 months ripening Insects
Pr witzenbergiana WRD Not threatened Serotinous - stored on plant Birds
Se acrocarpa WBD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se adscendens WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se aemula WRD Endangered Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se aemula aemula WRD Endangered Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se aemula congesta LRD Endangered Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se aemula foeniculacea LRD Endangered Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se aitonii WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se altiscapa LRS Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se balanocephala LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se bolusii LBD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se brownii WBS Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se candicans WBD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se collina collina LRS Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se collina flagellaris LRS Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se confragosa LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se cyanoides WRD Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se cygnea WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se decipiens WBD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se decumbens LRS Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se deluvialis LRS Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se dodii WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se effusa WBD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se elongata WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se fasciflora WBD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se flagellifolia LRS Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se flava LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se florida LRS Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se fucifolia WBD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se furcellata WRD Endangered Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se glomerata LRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se gracilis WRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se gremialis WBS Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se heterophylla LRS Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se hirsuta LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se inconspicua WBS No longer threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se incrassata WBS Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se krausii LRS Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se lacunosa LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se leipoldtii WRS Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se linearis LRS Endangered Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se meisneriana LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se millefolia WRD Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se nervosa WBD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se pedunculata WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se phylicoides WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se piketbergensis WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se pinnata WRS Endangered Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se rebeloi LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se reflexa WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se rosea WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se rostellaris LRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se roxburghii WRD Endangered Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se rubricaulis WRS Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se stellata LRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se trilopha WRD Endangered Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se triternata LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se villosa LRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se viridifolia LRS Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se williamsii LRS Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Se zeyheri WRS No longer threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
So alopecurus LRS Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
So capitatus WRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
So clavigerus WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
So crassifolius LRS Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
So imbricatus WRD Endangered Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
So lanatus WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
So palustris LRS Endangered Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
So pinifolius LRD Endangered Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
So scabridus LRS Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
So tenuifolius LRD Endangered Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
So teretifolius LRS Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Sp argentea LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Sp barbigera WBD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Sp caudata WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Sp colorata LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Sp confusa WRS Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Sp curvifolia WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Sp ericoides LRD Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Sp incurva WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Sp longifolia LRS Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Sp mollis LRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Sp nubicola LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Sp parilis WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Sp prolifera LRD Endangered Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Sp propinqua WRS Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Sp racemosa WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Sp salsoloides LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Sp setacea LRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Sp squamata LRS Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Sp thyrsiflora WBD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Sp tulbaghensis LRD Endangered Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
St macrophylla   Invader Dropped to the ground Birds
Ve alpina LRD Vulnerable Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Ve amoena WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Ve latebrosa LRD Critically Rare Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Ve obtusata WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Ve obtusata albomontana WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects
Ve obtusata obtusata WRD Not threatened Mymecochorus - stored by ants in nests till fire Insects

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