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Protea Atlas Project Awards
The Protea Atlas Project rewarded conscientious contributions with several awards based
on merit. These are listed below.
Silver Tree - 1000 SRS
12 Silver Tree Awards for atlassers submitting
1000 Sight Record Sheets - were given as follows:
AGR Atlas Grassroots Research, Oct. 93, AGR-930828-03 - 5
spp - "Coeratenberg Koperftn"
WIJ Ivor Jardine, Rondebosch, Dec. 94, WIJ-941114-19 - 3 spp -
"Katbakkies W Grootfontn"
DOA David Osborne, Still Bay, Jan. 95, DOA-941124-06 - 3 spp
APE Atlas Project Education, Sep. 95, APE-950817-04 - 4 spp
PVR Peter & Virginia Ross, Newlands, Nov. 97 PVR-971001-02 - 5
spp - "W Oubosrivier"
NGF Nigel Forshaw, Oakridge, Mar. 98, NGF-980301-09 - 7 spp -
"Potberg Est at Sandhoogte"
LYM Lyn McCallum, Bergvliet, Apr. 98, LYM-980321-07 - 10 spp -
"Wolvenhuisftn Rooster"
OUT Outramps, Hoekwil, Nov. 98, OUT-980321-04 - 4 spp -
SMR Ruth Smart, Wynberg, Aug. Y0, SMR-Y00727-04 - 4 spp -
"LaFontaine Riebeek East"
AWA Kitty & Austen Williams, George, Nov. Y0, AWA-Y01019-05 - 5 spp -
TLE Tom Lloyd-Evans, Dorset, Mar. Y1, TLE-970913-17 - 8 spp - "Rd E
Elephant track"
RHE Reuben Heydenrych, Pretoria, Apr. Y1, RHE-Y10318-11 - 1 spp -
"Steenkmpsbrgpas Oshoek"
Cape Mountain Club Team, Port Elizabeth, (Headed by Libby McGill and Dave
The 1000th SRS was determined from the sequence in which data were sent in
and processed, - according to our batch summaries - and not on the order in which the SRS
were recorded in the field.
Marsh Rose - Conservation
Four Marsh Rose Awards for atlassers contributing to conservation data or action
- were given as follows:
1995 Towerkop Team David Osborne DOA, Rooiberg Rangers ROO &
Towerkop Rangers TOW. For comprehensively atlassing their areas.
1997 David Osborne DOA For comprehensively atlassing the Klein Swartberg.
1999 Nigel Forshaw - NGF For commitment in following up Protea odorata.
2001 Marc & Amida Johns - MAJ For comprehensively monitoring our rare proteas.
Golden Pagoda - 200 species
14 Golden Pagoda Awards for atlassers submitting data on 200 protea species -
were given as follows:
APE Atlas Project Education, Aug. 93, Se brownii
APE-930605-02 "Groenerivier N7 verge"
AGR Atlas Grassroots Research, Dec. 94, Sp parilis AGR-941108-03
"Langeberg Crystal trail"
WIJ Ivor Jardine, Rondebosch, Apr. 95, Pr rupicola WIJ-950311-05 "Bang
Jonker twins"
NAH Nick Helme, Scarborough, Jul. 95, Pa reflexus NAH-950510-02
"Uitkyktoring on track"
SHR Stephen Richardson, Tamboerskloof, Feb. 96, Ld stelligerum
SHR-951202-03 "Viljoenshof t-junct"
LYM Lyn McCallum, Bergvliet, Dec. 96, Pa nova LYM-960923-03
NGF Nigel Forshaw, Oakridge, Dec. 96, Ld foedum NGF-961027-01
"Hartebeestefntn Hopefd"
SMR Ruth Smart ,Wynberg, Jul. 99, Se effusa SMR-990506-04 "Annx
PVR Peter & Virginia Ross, Newlands, Feb. Y0, Di proteoides PVR-991006-01
"Meadowridge Cmn"
DJL David Louw, Newlands, Mar. Y0, Ld procerum DJL-Y00209-19 "Wittedrf
DOA David Osborne, Still Bay, May Y0, Pr acuminata DOA-Y00330-01 "F523"
OUT Outramps, Hoekwil, Dec. Y0, Se hirsuta OUT-Y01105-08 "Above
PMR Pat Rebelo, Bergvliet, Apr. Y1, Pr vogtsii PMR-Y01212-03 "Haarlem Peak
AMM Adrian Mohl, Bern, Jun. Y1, Pr holosericea AMM-991207-02 "Saw Edge
Honorable Mention: too late for the deadline:
WMP Wendy Paisley, Rondebosch, Jun. Y1, Se glomerata WMP-Y10519-04 "W
The 200th Species was determined from the sequence in which data
were sent in and processed - according to our batch summaries - not on the order in which
the SRS were recorded in the field or are stored in the database.
Team Award
Two Team Awards for teams encouraging participation in the project - were
given as follows:
1999 Outramps (Headed by Di Turner & Yvette van Wijk)
2001 Witwatersrand Mountain Club (Headed by Reuben Heydenrych)
Have a look at more on Protea Atlas Awards.
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