Overview of Project
Project Staff
Checking, Illustrations
Upcoming Activities
Id and Species Lists
Protea Information
Protea Gallery
Growing Proteas
Interim Dist. Maps
Afrikaanse Inligting

What Now?
April 2006
The writing of the atlas is currently underway. Your input into the
process will be very much appreciated. You can proof-read the texts and
help by providing illustrations and checking information that might be
included. Please check here for the current
text that requires editing.
April 2001
Although the formal data collection for the Protea Atlas Project stopped on
31 March 2001 after 9 years and 3 months of data collection, you can still help in the
Protea Atlas Project:
- We still require our queries to be checked. If you can visit remote areas and check up
on some of these queries it will be appreciated. Queries are
regularly updated on the web site. Please note that queries are often not as simple as
they may at first seem. Most of our atlassers are fully competent (how may of the queries
are your data?) and the queries are often due to genuine field problems. Dont
dismiss queries as simply careless errors please try and get to the exact site (and
inform us if you think that there is a locality error) and use your best Sherlock Holmes
tricks to try and get to the bottom of the matter. Some queries especially of minor
genera - will only be resolvable when species are flowering.
- Data are never complete. Additional data from unatlassed areas can still be submitted
after April 2001 if you have the Protea Atlas SRS Database
computer package. Unfortunately only electronic data can be accepted, as we do not have
funds to capture data. Please look at the lists of Species from
Nature Reserves or from Underatlassed Areas and see if you
can contribute. In May we will put up the grid squares with no or inadequate data that you
can visit. There are still many of these. By July we should have much of the herbarium
data worked up and these queries will be included on the web as well.
- We still need volunteers to man the office and check up on map localities and the typing
of SRS. If you can help please contact protea@nbict.nbi.ac.za.
- For the Protea Atlas we need pictures of proteas. We are looking for line drawings of
proteas, not bigger than A4 in size. If you would like to contribute as an amateur, or
think that you are prepared to help for a small fee, please see the list of Species Required. This list will be updated on the web
regularly. If you are seeking payment for illustrations, please confirm that you have
material and wish to do the illustration before you begin we do not have the money
for all the illustrations required and certainly not for duplicates. If you are willing to
collect material for the illustrations, please contact us so that we can make arrangements
for permits and permission for you to do so. Please ask your artist to tell us when they
begin the illustration so that we may take them off the list.
- If you can help in any other way with the preparation of "The Protea Atlas" we
would gratefully appreciate your help. This would involve proofreading text, checking
files and formats, typing and getting material ready.
- We also need more sponsorship especially if the "The Protea Atlas" is
to be an affordable document. The "The Protea Atlas" will come with a CD. One of
our hopes is that we can have an identification tool on the CD. If you can help in typing
in information and testing the programme, please contact us.
If you would like to help in any other way or have any suggestions as to how you can
help please contact protea@nbict.nbi.ac.za.
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