Protea Atlas SRS DatabaseThis is a computer package that runs on an IBM compatible PC. The minimum hardware/operating system requirements are:
The Protea Atlas SRS Database is a Windows application that allows the atlasser to enter Protea Atlas SRS data into a user friendly computer database. Both field data and mapwork details may be entered into the database.
Reports may be printed to add to the fun of collecting the data in the first place. Reports that may be generated include:
On line help and context sensitive help is available by hitting F1 or clicking on the Protea Atlas SRS Database Help menu. Have a look at Tips for using the Protea Atlas SRS Database. Have a look at Genus Erica: Interactive Identification Key for a package to identify Ericas. The package is available to Protea Atlassers in South Africa and may be ordered by sending R100 to the Protea Atlas Project at the below address: Protea Atlas Project, Kirstenbosch PB X7, Claremont, 7735, South Africa. Patch to V3.12, V3.12a, V3.12b, V3.12c or V3.12d of the Protea Atlas SRS Database (September 2002)Only download from here if you are running any one of V3.12, V3.12a, V3.12b, V3.12c or V3.12d versions of the Protea Atlas SRS Database. You may apply the latest patch to V3.12 by downloading the Protea Atlas SRS Database V3.12e patch. This patch includes Priority and Species Richness shapefiles (which can incidentally be download separately). An updated Project file (South Africa.aep) for use with ArcExplorer is also included here so there is no need to "mess" around adding new Priority and Species Richness themes. This is done automatically by the V3.12e patch. Instructions to install the patch are (please print them before attempting to apply the patch):
It is just possible that your new system will give an error when you run it. If so, try Method 1 and failing this Method 2 to correct the application of the patch. Method 1 Method 2
September 2002 Priority areas that require further atlassingA shapefile of under atlassed areas is available at Download GIS shapefiles of Priority (Under Atlassed) areas and may be opened using ArcExplorer. Unzip this download and then add the shapefile as a theme in ArcExplorer. ArcExplorer comes standard with the Protea Atlas SRS Database V3.07 and later and will allow you to add the shapefile as a new theme to the ArcExplorer project file. The shapefile requires a GIS (Graphical Information System) such as ESRI's free ArcExplorer which is a light weight data viewer, or one of the commercially available GIS systems. You may download ArcExplorer from ESRI's website. Alternatively, the ArcExplorer distribution kit may be found on the on the Protea Atlas SRS Database CD from V3.07 and up. November 2001 Species RichnessA shapefile of Species Richness is available at Download Species Richness shapefiles. and may be opened using ArcExplorer. ArcExplorer comes standard with the Protea Atlas SRS Database V3.07 and later and will allow you to add the shapefile as a new theme to the ArcExplorer project file. November 2001 If the above four paragraphs have confused you (hopefully not) perhaps the easiest is to get the latest version of the Protea Atlas SRS Database V3.12e on CD. None of the above downloads are then required. Back History |