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The Protea Atlas
The writing of the Protea Atlas is now underway and the first sample texts are now available.
Your comments and opinions - in a text or word file or e-mail - would be
much appreciated and this should be sent to Tony
Make sure you have Adobe
Reader installed on your computer before attempting to read the
preliminary guide.
Please first read the following before assessing the sample texts - these
contain the definition of terms and restrictions on interpretation of the data.
They will form parts of the introduction. These are also "under
development" and your comments on these would also be appreciated -
especially if you find the descriptions unclear:
The text is being written in two stages.
In this first phase the ancilliary data and bulk of the text have been written.
When this process is complete we will move to phase two and insert the maps and the "Distribution" text.
The following genera and sections are available:
- Aulax (last updated 07/06/06)
- Brabejum, Banksia, Grevillea, Hakea (last updated 07/06/06)
- Diastella (last updated 07/06/06)
- Faurea (last updated 07/06/06)
- Leucadendron 1: Sandveld, Arid, Ridgseed and Kouga (last updated 28/07/06)
- Leucadendron 2: Pauciflor,Silkyruff, Silver and Sun: SW & NW (last updated 28/07/06)
- Leucadendron 3: Sun: Stigmatic, Crown and Fusebract (last updated 01/08/06)
- Leucadendron 4: Delta Seed, Oilbract, Clay and Sunshine: part 1 (last updated 04/08/06)
- Leucadendron 5: Sunshine: part 2 and Needleleaf (last updated 16/08/06)
- Leucospermum 1: Cylindrical, Tree and Wide-tubed (last updated 21/07/06)
- Leucospermum 2: Showy and Sandveld (last updated 21/07/06)
- Leucospermum 3: Louse, Flat and Hook (last updated 21/07/06)
- Mimetes and Orothamnus (last updated 07/06/06)
- Oldenburgia (not a protea but done) (last updated 07/06/06)
- Paranomus (last updated 07/06/06)
- Protea 1: King, Snow, Dwarf-tufted & Spoon-bract (last updated 30/10/07)
- Protea 2: Bearded & Bishops (last updated 30/10/07)
- Protea 3: Rodent, Real, Eastern Ground & White (last updated 01/11/07)
- Protea 4: Rose, Shale, Penduline & Western Ground (last updated 14/12/07)
- Protea 5: Shaving Brush, Grassland, Savanna & Mountain (last updated 14/12/07)
- Serruria 1: Pin & Curly (last updated 07/11/06)
- Serruria 2: Stalked, Whip-leaf & Paw (last updated 07/11/06)
- Serruria 3: Stalkless & Skirted (last updated 07/11/06)
- Spatalla (last updated 06/06)
- Sorocephalus (last updated 07/06/06)
- Vexatorella (last updated 07/06/06)
The order of the genera in The Atlas will be: Brabejum and allies; Aulax, Faurea, Protea; Serruria, Paranomus, Sorocephalus, Spatalla; Leucadendron, Vexatorella, Leucospermum, Diastella, Mimetes, Orothamnus and Oldenburgia.
The next phase it to complete the maps and distribution accounts. If you have any strong ideas please contact us!
Thanks so far to Nick Helme, for comments on Diastella .
Thanks to Ruth Smart who has been proofing the entire MS
15 December 2007
