Overview of Project
Project Staff
Checking, Illustrations
Upcoming Activities
Id and Species Lists
Protea Information
Protea Gallery
Growing Proteas
Interim Dist. Maps
Afrikaanse Inligting

Vignettes Required
"Protea Atlas" requires line drawings for as many of the 375
species as possible for the species accounts. At present we still need many species to be
illustrated by March 2002. If you have any artistic abilities, please feel free to draw
our proteas. Ideally, illustrations should be A5 size, not larger than A4, and in black
ink. A variety of styles and artists will be desirable.
If you are visiting any species on the list, please bring a small specimen for
illustration by one of our artists.
Please look at List of Species for which Line Drawings are
required for the "Protea Atlas" to see the latest list, or contact the
Protea Atlas Office.
Tony Rebelo
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