A solid black dot indicates where the species is found. Protea grandiceps - Red Bearded Sugarbush has a
single basal stem and pink-red involucral bracts.
Pr gran was thought to be extinct with the last specimens seen in 1942 on the Twelve
Apostles. Atlassers have discovered one plant on the top of the mountain (Africa left
face), two plants on the saddle above Newlands Ravine, and a large stand of planted plants
on the Saddle between Devil's Peak and Table Mountain. Rumours of plants at Grootkop have
faded, with no verification to date. Other rumours include Slangolie - this might be one
of the original Twelve Apostle's population. No one has confirmed checking past records
from Kloof Corner above India, above the Blockhouse on Devils Peak, or Spring Butress. The
plants from Silvermine picnic area, Lion's Head and N of Klaasenkop are all confumed or
suspected of having being planted. Seasonal data are urgently needed! |