A solid black dot indicates where the species is found. Leucadendron
strobilinum - Peninsula Conebush is endemic to the Cape Peninsula. It is best
distinguished from the Laurelleaf Conebush by its purplish stems and the exposed heads.
Ld stro is most abundant at higher altitudes and to the north, where it replaces the
Laurel-leaf Conebush. It is common on Table Mountain (the Back-Table and Devils Peak),
with additional herbarium records from Constantiaberg, Silvermine, Kalk Bay and
Karbonkelberg (a locality apparently without a historical record!). It has not yet been
atlassed at Kommetjie. Why is it so rare in its more southern localities? Does it require
a longer fire interval than Ld laur to set seed, and wetter conditions for growing? Some
of the Silvermine records need verification.