IDM Zimbabwe - Drakensberg Sugarbush - Protea dracomontanaProtea dracomontana - Drakensberg Sugarbush A low shrub 0.5-1.5m tall, up to 1m across, with rarely branched, erect stems arising from a rootstock. Stems stout, 5-10 mm diametre, hairless. Involucral bracts hairless. Tepal tube 10 mm long, hairless at base. The taxon inyanganiensis is characterized by its smaller size, smaller leaves and smaller heads. The tepals are also much less hairy. Pr drac occurs on Inyangani Mountain on mountain grassland on basalt or dolerite.Beard regarded this is a full species - Pr inyangensis. Its total inclusion into Pr dracomontana seems too extreme, and subspecific status may be suitable. The difference is that Pr drac is slightly smaller and has fewer hairs on the tepals. A solid black dot indicates where the species is found. |