IDM Zimbabwe - Manica Sugarbush - Protea caffra gazensisProtea caffra subsp. gazensis Manica Sugarbush This taxon differs from other subspecies in Pr caffra by having leaves narrowed at base (not rounded as for nyasae), leaves 3-10 X than broad (versus 2-4 X longer for mafingensis), with flowerheads 65-90 mm long (versus smaller than 65 mm for caffra and kilimandsharica). Leaves 20-40 mm wide, linear oblanceolate, slightly sickle-shaped, 100-190 mm long, margin not wavy. Flowerhead 60-100 mm across. Tepal tube 16-21 mm long. Pr caff g occurs in grasslands of the highlands of Zimbabwe. Most common at Chipinga to Melsetter, but also from Inyanga and Chimanimani Mountains and also on Gorongosa Mountain. Whether the taxon is regarded as a full species or a subspecies, is not as important as the fact that it is recognized as a distinct taxon. Either way, it merits full recognition for conservation purposes. A solid black dot indicates where the species is found. |