Witches Broom - A Conebush DisasterThe Agricultural Research Council Fynbos has suspended the sale of all Conebush cuttings to the cut flower trade industry because of two new diseases. These are (from SAPPEX News 104: 6-7): Yellow Leaf Blotch. Witches Broom We hope that this is a temporary inconvenience to the industry more importantly to the development of new cultivars. It will certainly mean that many growers will have to prematurely replace their orchards. But what will they be replaced with? Elsenberg is trying to determine the causative agents, although I find the attitude - that " the search for a cure cannot begin" "until it is known what the cause is " - to be both short sighted and ridiculous. Experimenting with acaricides and pruning hygiene may well yield a cure to the problem before the causative agents are discovered. Given that all Conebush distribution has ceased, with growers potentially losing large orchards, surely the expense is justified? Tony *Atlassers even recorded Witches Broom on a Needlebush. A 4m tall Ha sericea plant near Paarl had half the bush stunted with 3mm-long needles in dense, broom-like growths. Unfortunately, this plant was cleared for a fruit orchard in 1998. Rose could not find any mites in the broom at the time. Back PAN 46 |