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Savanna Sugarbushes - Proteas
Dwarf Savanna Sugarbush - Protea welwitschii |
Habit: A shrub up to 1.5m
tall with numerous stems arising from a rootstock
Fire survival: Resprouts from underground bole
Sexual system: Both sexes in each flower
Flowers: December - May, mainly January - February
Pollinator: Beetles and birds
Fruit: Released 9-12 months after flowering
Seed dispersal: Wind
Seed storage: Released to lie on the ground
Rarity status: Not threatened
Habitat: Varied, 300-2000m
Distribution: Mpumalanga, Northern Province. KwaZulu-Natal, Zimbabwe,
Mozambique, Uganda |
African Sugarbush - Protea gaguedi |
Habit: An erect to gnarled
shrub up to 3m tall
Fire survival: Killed, only seeds survive
Sexual system: Both sexes in each flower
Flowers: August - February, mainly December - February
Pollinator: Beetles and birds
Fruit: Not known
Seed dispersal: Wind
Seed storage: Released to lie on the ground
Rarity status: Not threatened, usually in isolated groves but also
locally common
Habitat: Varied, usually drier and rocky sites, 600-2500m
Distribution: Northern Province, Mpumalanga, Swaziland, KwaZulu-Natal,
Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia |
Protea micans trichophylla |
Habit: Small plant with to 0.5m tall with
numerous stems
Fire survival: Resprouting after fire from an underground rootstock
Sexual system: Both sexes in each flower
Flowers: During the rainy season
Pollinator: Probably beetles or birds
Fruit: Released after ripening
Seed dispersal: Wind
Seed storage: Released to lie on ground
Rarity status: Probably common
Habitat: Savanna woodland in in open grassy places of the Miombo and
in the open on the edges of dambos
Distribution: Angola to Tanzania
Note: Beard regards this is Protea lemairei subsp. trichophylla |
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