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Elongate Sceptres - Paranomus
Hairy-styled Sceptre - Paranomus
Habit: An erect sparsely
branched shrub up to 1.7m tall
Fire survival: Killed, only seeds survive
Sexual system: Both sexes in each flower
Flowers: September - November
Pollinator: Insects
Fruit: Released 2 months after flowering
Seed dispersal: Ants
Seed storage: Underground in ants nests
Rarity status: Rare
Habitat: Sandstone sands, 500-1000m
Distribution: Wolfieskop in Riviersonderend
Mountains, Houhoek and Groenlandberg Mountains |
Van Staden's Sceptre - Paranomus
Habit: A branched shrub up
to 1.5m tall
Fire survival: Killed, only seeds survive
Sexual system: Both sexes in each flower
Flowers: June - August
Pollinator: Insects
Fruit: Released 2 months after flowering
Seed dispersal: Ants
Seed storage: Underground in ants nests
Rarity status: Rare, typically in small clumps of a few dozen plants
Habitat: Sandstone sands, 1000-2000m
Distribution: Elandsberg and Van Stadensberg |
Honey-Scented Sceptre - Paranomus
Habit: A branched shrub up
to 2.5m tall
Fire survival: Killed, only seeds survive
Sexual system: Both sexes in each flower
Flowers: August - October
Pollinator: Insects
Fruit: Released 2 months after flowering
Seed dispersal: Ants
Seed storage: Underground in ants nests
Rarity status: Rare, but locally abundant on Rooiberg
Habitat: Sandstone sands, 600-1300m
Distribution: Rooiberg, Huis River Pass and Touwsberg |
King Gustaf's Sceptre - Paranomus
Habit: A branched shrub up
to 1.8m tall
Fire survival: Killed, only seeds survive
Sexual system: Both sexes in each flower
Flowers: July - March
Pollinator: Insects
Fruit: Released 2 months after flowering
Seed dispersal: Ants
Seed storage: Underground in ants nests
Rarity status: Rare, solitary plants or isolated clumps occur
Habitat: Sandstone slopes, 150-500m
Distribution: Hottentots-Holland Mountains to Western Langeberg and to
the Elim Flats |
Langeberg Sceptre - Paranomus
Habit: A branched shrub up
to 2.5m tall
Fire survival: Two strategies known. Some populations killed by
fire. Others resprout from an underground bole
Sexual system: Both sexes in each flower
Flowers: May - December
Pollinator: Insects
Fruit: Released 2 months after flowering
Seed dispersal: Ants
Seed storage: Underground in ants nests
Rarity status: Rare, abundant in sparse, isolated populations
Habitat: Sandstone sands, 300-600m
Distribution: Langeberg from Tradouw Pass to Garcia's Pass |
Gamka Sceptre - Paranomus spathulatus
"gamkaensis"- found in the Gamka Mountains
Habit: A branched shrub up
to 2.5m tall
Fire survival: Two strategies known. Some populations killed by
fire. Others resprout from an underground bole
Sexual system: Both sexes in each flower
Flowers: May - December
Pollinator: Insects
Fruit: Released 2 months after flowering
Seed dispersal: Ants
Seed storage: Underground in ants nests
Rarity status: Rare, abundant in sparse, isolated populations
Habitat: Sandstone sands, 300-600m
Distribution: Only known from Gamka Nature Reserve
and adjacent farms |
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