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Thistle Sugarbush Witskollie - Protea scolymocephala

Although widespread throughout the Sandveld, from Gifberg to Cape Point (& at Bot River), the Thistle Sugarbush has been heavily exterminated by man. Some 89% of known sites are heavily invaded with alien Wattles, and a further 10% by Myrtles and Pines! This little gem is the commonest Sugarbush in the Darling area - almost twice as common as the Common Sugarbush Protea repens. It prefers moister sites, often growing with the Sandveld Spiderhead. Unfortunately, these are also the sites preferred by the Port Jackson Wattle. Flowering in the Darling area is from August to November. Growth follows flowering. The seeds are stored in the old "flowerheads" until the parents are killed by fire. The Sandveld has some fine examples of this species - normally it is hard to find old plants, but near Hopefield and Mamre one can find Thistle Sugarbushes nearly 2m tall. If you find any populations of this species, please send in the information to us.

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