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Newsletter 37 - Table of Contents
Aborted buds (Pr repens produces a mace
& Pr cynaroides presents a poser - where do the buds
- Annual Get Together - Lauterwater
- Atlassing coverage to date (more data please from
Grootrivier, West Coast, Western Karoo, Riversdale, Groot
Swartberg and Grahamstown).
- Atlassing Grid Square Priorities - First Quarter 1988
- Atlassing in the East Cape Mountains (progress report)
- Atlassing Species Priorities - First Quarter 1988
- Depicting flowering and growth: Your opinion please. Timing of Flowering and Growth
- Intruiging Cockscomb (a hot spot for new distributions!)
- Louterwater - a Capetonian Perspective
- More common names (the spring flower shows)
- Review: Field Guide to Trees of southern Africa
- Review: Plants of Northern Provinces of South Africa:
keys and diagnostic characters
- Se hirsuta Swartkops Spiderhead & the Cape Town
Structure Plan (proposed changes to the urban edge may
eliminate this species)
- Se roxburghii Shortleaf Spiderhead: a rare species from
the West Coast
- Species sequences arouse amusement (filling in your SRS)
- The Frog Atlas Project (a Protea Atlas perspective)
- Water-wise gardening (Do you know 36)
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