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Newsletter 36 - Table of Contents
Aborted buds (Pr cynaroides converts a
flower bud to new growth)
- Atlassing Grid Square Priorities - Fourth Quarter 1987
- Atlassing Species Priorities - Fourth Quarter 1987
- Compound vs multiple flowerheads (clearing up the
distinction between a lot of single vs complex
- Coping with erratic flowering (what to do with odd plants
which make atlassing codes silly)
- Identifying young plants (this is a major problem unless
you grow proteas from seeds)
- Ld orientale ploughed up by SAFCOL: SAFCOL replies
- Ld uliginosum glabratum to loeriense (a major bungle -
atlassers to sort out a problem)
- Ls cuneiforme a tasty cob (why is it being eaten?)
- New field guides (a review of the Botanical Societies
guides to West Coast (7), Neiuwoudtville (9) and Southern
Overberg (8))
- PAP SRS Capture & Report Tool update <link to
- Priorities for the Fourth Quarter 1997
- Range extensions for Ld pubibracteolatum (lots more data
for the Begrafnisblom, but why are they all dying?)
- Review: The atlas of southern African Birds
- Scientific vs Common Names: a case study (Desmoulin's
Whorl gets a police escourt to safety)
- Sending in electronic data (how to cut our costs and make
your life easier)
- Species sequences are very important (filling in your SRS
for maximum use)
- The least and least known: what is the smallest
- Update on Common Names (Common names from the Wild Flower
- When to use computers (Nigel Forshaw introduces us to the
electronic age)
- Why bother with Repeat SRS (because they save you time)
- World's oldest plant a protea (a plant Lomatia tasmanica
- King's Holly is 44 000 years old)
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