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Newsletter 32 - Table of Contents
A new population of Pr
- Adieu Protea odorata
- Angles for directions
- Focus: to collect or not to collect: a burning issue
- From the trail
- Fynbos Forum
- Heathers corner
- How do you fill in hundreds of SRS?
- How to shit in the woods (a review)
- Incomplete data
- Mailbox miscellanea
- New Red data book categories
- Obituary: Erika Ruth Middleman
- Protea Atlassing in the eastern Cape
- Protea species with status changes since 1991 (Red Data Book)
- Quiz: linking diagnostic features to names.
- Range extensions (Ld cryptocephalum, Se meisneriana)
- Red Data list of southern African plants
- Resolution codes are OK
- Table for co-ordinates
- The Outramps
- Whats in a word "Proteas" (answer to quiz)
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