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Newsletter 18 - Table of Contents
Aulax umballata at
Gouritz River
- Beards Tropical proteas is out!
- Cape IDM is out!
- Conocarpodendron (answer to quiz)
- First conservation report out
- Helderberg ramble
- Help Flora 93 10-15 September 93
- Identifying proteas. 12. Proteas in Swaziland
- Is Boerhaaves Conocarpodendron acaulen;
the same as Burmans Ld ruburm?
- Jonaskop scramble
- Just what is Mi capitulatus?
- Ld cori: 45km extension from the N2
- More name changes to proteas
- Mt Lebanon slog up shimering slopes
- Natal: towards and eastern Atlas
- Not a Fulgorid!
- Paranomus incertae undescribed species
- Phleonomus corner: Bossiestroop
- Problems to be investigated
- Protea Field Guide in the making
- Protea grandiceps on Table Mtn: not again!
- Proteas not in flower guides
- Proteas of private nature reserves: which proteas grow on
your land
- Quiz: Boerhaaves genus Hypophyllocarpodendron
- Recording accuracy of position
- Remarks on Protea Atlas outings
- So lanatus: one species or two?
- Stalkrans and Bergwater Private Nature Reserves
- Status of Protea in Africa
- The importance of 7.4, 6.3 & 1:250 000 or Getting
co-ordinates from 1:250 000 maps
- Transkeian atlassers please note!
- Waste of a code? Altitude wobbles
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