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Identifying Proteaceae: Serruria
Serruria is a relatively easy genus to recognize. However identification of
the species requires careful consideration of inflorescence structure, style/
floret shape (straight or curved), and leaf dimensions.
Pin Spiderheads (Section Fasciflorae)
Florets straight in bud. A few florets borne on a short stalk in loose
heads. Leaves tend to be very fine. This section contains a progression from
panicle of many lax racemes to a panicle of capitula to a solitary capitulum,
even within a species. Sefasc is the most widespread species with racemose
S. candicans, fasciflora, inconspicua, krausii, viridifolia, zeyheri
Curly Spiderheads (Section Decipiensae)
Florets slightly to strongly curved in bud. Florets borne on a short
common stalk in loose heads. Leaves very fine.
S. adscendens, collina, decipiens, glomerata, nervosa, roxburghii,
Stalked Spiderheads (Section Elongatae)
Long common peduncles over 80˙mm long (except Se conf, with long erect
wavy stems). Inflorescence a panicle of heads or lax racemes. Leaves very
stout. Florets straight in bud.
S. confragosa, leipoldtii, meisneriana, elongata, williamsii, "amoena"
Whip-leaf Spiderheads (Section Flagellifoliae)
Prostrate plants with trailing stems and secund leaves with 1-4 (usually
3) tips. Inflorescences of 4-10 florets with large floral bracts (similar to
Se˙meis) are small.
S. decumbens, flagellifolia
Tulbagh Spiderhead (Section Triternatae)
Inflorescence an untidy dense corymb on a very short peduncle. The leaves
are stout, approaching those of the Stalked Spiderheads in robustness.
Florets straight in bud. Only one species: S. triternata
Paw Spiderheads (Section Acrocarpae)
Florets slightly to strongly curved borne in a solitary head with a
conspicuous stalk. Styles may be hairy and retained on fruit. A montane
group. Se˙acro and Se cygn, a resprouter, is the most widespread species
with solitary heads.
S. acrocarpa, aitonii, cygnea, dodii, effusa, flava, fucifolia,
incrassata, pedunculata, reflexa
Sessile Spiderheads (Section Millefoliae)
Straight florets and hairless styles. solitary head per branch
inflorescence stalk absent, or if present, then hidden by tightly clasping
S. deluvialis, hirsuta, rostellaris, villosa
Plants as above but with bottle-brush appearance owing to short leaves
S. brownii, millefolia
Involucred Spiderheads (Section Phylecoideae)
Solitary inflorescences, distinct stalk, florets straight (or very
slightly kinked) in bud
= Lowland forms tend to be sprawling, involucral bracts are not very
S. aemula, cyanoides, furcellata, linearis, pinnata, trilopha
= Mountain forms tend to be erect with conspicuous involucral bracts
S. florida, heterophylla, phylicoides, rosea
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