Resprouting in Sceptres Paranomus
During February 1988 a large wildfire occurred on the Langeberg between Gysmanshoek and the western boundary of the Boosmansbos Wilderness Area. Included in the area of the burn was a previously recorded population of Paranomus spathulatus on the north side of Grootberg above Witbooisrivier. During October 1988, numerous P. spathulatus plants were noted to be resprouting from rootstocks under the skeletal remains of the erstwhile adults. Initially resprouting shoots displayed neoteny by producing only the dissected 'juvenile' leaves. In October 1989 the resprouting shoots averaged 300mm in length and had begun to produce spoon-shaped `adult' leaves distally. At present (October 1990) the average length of the shoots is 1m and many have produced their first flowers. The phenomenon of resprouting in Paranomus has previously not been documented and, according to Jan Vlok, does not occur in P. roodebergensis, a close relative of P. spathulatus from the Rooiberg. David McDonald, NBI, Stellenbosch Atlassers should please record any resprouting seen in a species. The appropriate field on the SRS is the "Fire survival code" in the "Proteas Present Box" which may be: [K] killed and no sign of regeneration, [S] plants killed but seedlings present, [E] escape in habitat (i.e. among large rocks), [B] resprouting from an underground rootstock or bole, or [T] resprouting from trunk or stem. Please note that the common names for the two Scepters were accidentally switched in PAN 6: 16. Paranomus roodebergensis Honey-scented Elongate Scepter is characterized by the strong honey scent: it is not recorded whether the Langeberg Elongate Scepter P. spathulatus has any scent. Eds Back PAN 9 |