All locality names are taken from the South Africa 1:50 000 and 1:250 000 series maps, available from the Chief Director of Surveys and Mapping. Most hikers, mountaineers and serious walkers should have a set of these maps covering the areas they visit frequently. These will be the officially sanctioned maps for the Protea Atlas Project - it is essential that we all use the same maps if we wish to use one another's data. These maps are a bargain at R1.00 each, excluding GST. <not any longer – note in edit> For atlassers travelling by vehicle to areas visited infrequently, we suggest the Reader's Digest Atlas of southern Africa - please use the 1:50 000 and 1:250 000 map scales whenever possible. Should you plan to do any hiking or rambling in the mountains please, for your own safety, acquire a 1:50 000 map of the area. Most of Peter Slingby's maps of the major hiking trails, available from the Directorate of Forestry, are also at the 1:50 000 scale. However, it is usually impossible to convert the grids on these maps to latitude and longitude without recourse to a 1:50 000 map: Peter's grid coordinates will not be suitable for Latitude and Longitude codes in the Locality Box on Sight Record Sheets. Eds Back PAN 9 |