Overview of Project
Project Staff
Checking, Illustrations
Upcoming Activities
Id and Species Lists
Protea Information
Protea Gallery
Growing Proteas
Interim Dist. Maps
Afrikaanse Inligting

Material Needed for Newsletter Please
We realize that the project
has effectively come to an end as far as amateur involvement is concerned. However, it
need not be total. Your contributions will still be appreciated, both in the form of more
data (please use Nigels PAPSRSDB to send the data electronically) or as articles for
the newsletter. We have cut back circulation of the newsletter to those atlassers who
asked to be kept informed of progress (and have paid towards printing or sent in data). I
guess this makes these last few issues not only collectors items, but also more
personal and poignant. With only a couple more numbers envisaged this is your last chance
to make a mark. Do so now!
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