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DNA Material Wanted

Protea Atlas LogoDr Gail Reeves is collecting samples for DNA analysis of the Proteaceae other than Protea.

Collection of material for DNA sequencing: Only one or two leaves are required per species on our wish list (approx. 1 g of fresh tissue). Fresh leaf material gives the best quality DNA - but is only possible if DNA can be extracted within two or three days of collection. If there is a longer time interval between collection and extraction then it is necessary to collect a few leaves into silica gel, which will dry the material quickly and cause the least damage to the DNA. We can provide silica gel & instructions for use.

It is important that we have a specimen with each sample to make into a herbarium voucher. This would constitute flowering material so that the species can be re-identified at a later date. No material can be used for DNA sequencing without an accompanying specimen.

Many thanks for all your help!

Gail Reeves

Aulax Featherbushes
All done - 3 taxa: 100% complete

Brabejum Wild Almond
All done - 1 taxon: 100% complete

Diastella Silkypuffs
All done - 9 taxa: 100% complete

Hakea Needlebushes
Ha gibbosa, salicifolium
(2) 2 out of 4 taxa: 50% complete

Leucadendron Conebushes
Ld bonum, cadens, cordatum, crassulifolium, {grandiflorum},
Ld osbornei, platyspermum, pondoense, radiatum, spissifolium natalense,
Ld spisifolium oribinum, {spirale}, stelligerum, touwsrivierenses,

(14) 82 out of 96 taxa: 85% complete

Leucospermum Pincushions
Ls gracile, harpagonatum, hypophyllocarpodendron canaliculatum, reflexum,
Ls saxatile, secundifolium, spathulatum, tottum glabrum, winteri,

(9) 42 out of 51 taxa: 82% complete

Mimetes Pagodas
Mi palustris,stokoei
(2) 11 out of 13 taxa: 85% complete

Orothamnus Marsh Rose
All done - 1 taxon: 100% complete

Paranomus Scepters
Pa centaureoides, esterhuyseniae,
(2) 18 out of 20 taxa: 90% complete

Protea Sugarbushes
100 taxa: 100% complete

Serruria Spiderheads
Se confragosa, williamsii,
(2) 56 out of 58 taxa: 97% complete

Sorocephalus Clusterheads
So alopecurus, capitatus, clavigerus, crassifolius, palustris
(5) 6 out of 11 taxa: 55% complete

Spatalla Spoons
Sp colorata, nubicola, parilis, propinqua,
(4) 16 out of 20 taxa: 80% complete

Vexatorella Vexators
All done - 5 taxa: 100% complete

Overall for South African Proteas
(43 remaining) 349 collected out of 392 taxa: 89% complete

Updated 22 January 2003

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