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Common Names of Proteacea 3. Leucadendron

Protea Atlas LogoThe genus Leucadendron is widely known as Conebush, Yellowbush, and Sunshinebush, or in Afrikaans as Geelbos, Knoppiesbos, and Tolbos. Kraaltolbos appears to be used for most species which form dense, discrete stands. Tolletjiebos is often used for species with smaller cones, although tol and tolletjie are frequently substituted.

For common names the bold names are those recommended for use by atlassers. Scientific names in brackets are species to which the preceding common names should preferably not be applied, so as to prevent ambiguity. As editorial policy in the newsletters we include section names within the common names: for example, we refer to the "Spinning-top Conebush" (occ. called only "Spinning-top"), a member of the "Silver Conebushes" (section Leucadendron), as "Spinning-top Silver Conebush". Names used for the sections within Conebushes are provided separately.
Note that the endings "Conebush" are not listed after English names. Afrikaans names differing from English names only by the addition of the possessive suffix "-se" are not listed.

Section names have not been applied colloquially to conebushes. However certain tendencies can be discerned. Thus "Kraaltolbos" often refers to members of sections Alata and Compressa, and "Geelbos" to Alata. "Sunconebush" and "Sunshine conebush" are usually used haphazzardly for members of Alata, Trigona and Nucifera: we have therefore standardized on the former name for the Nucifera and the latter for Alata. Within the largest sections, coherent groupings of species have been assigned additional names. Thus the Sunconebushes are divided into the Stigmatic, Southwestern and Northwestern Sunconebushes, and the Clay Conebushes are separated from the other Sunshine Conebushes. Where no obvious names existed we have either anglicized the Latin names or used acceptable translations.

Alata Clay and Sunshine Conebushes

Aliena Kouga Conebushes

Brunneobracteata Oilbract Conebush

Carinata Ridge-seed (Carinate) Conebushes

Compressa Needle-leaf Conebushes

Cuneata Corymbose & Fused (Connate-bract) Conebushes

Leucadendron Silver Conebushes

Membranacea Arid Conebushes

Nervosa Jonaskop Silver Conebush

Nucifera Northwestern, Southwestern and Stigmatic Sunconebushes

Trigona Stream and Trigosperm Conebushes

Uniflora Pauciflor Conebushes

Ventricosa Crown Conebushes

Villosa Sandveld and Tiled (Imbricate) Conebushes

Arid Conebush (Sec Membranacea)

Carinate Conebush - see Ridge-seed Conebush

Clay Conebush (Sec Alata in part)

Connate-bract Conebush - see Fused Conebush

Corymbose Conebush (Sec Cuneata in part)

Crown Conebush (Sec Ventricosa)

Fused Conebush (Sec Cuneata in part)

Imbricate Conebush - see Tiled Conebush

Kouga Conebush (Sec Aliena)

Needle-leaf Conebush (Sec Compressa)

Northwestern Sunconebush (Sec Nucifera in part)

Oilbract Conebush (Sec Brunneobracteata)

Pauciflor Conebush (Sec Uniflora)

Ridge-seed Conebush (Sec Carinata)

Sandveld Conebush (Sec Villosa in part)

Silver Conebush (Secs Nervosa & Leucadendron)

Southwestern Sunconebush (Sec Nucifera in part)

Stigmatic Sunconebush (Sec Nucifera in part)

Stream Conebush (Sec Trigona in part)

Sun Conebush (Sec Nucifera)

Sunshine Conebush (Sec Alata in part)

Tiled Conebush (Sec Villosa in part)

Trigosperm Conebush (Sec Trigona in part)

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