The Protea Atlas Manual, the Sight Record Sheets and the Field Notebooks are being printed. These three items will comprise the basis of our atlassing kit. In order to ensure that our scarce funds will not be whittled away by curious freeloaders out to obtain our superb manual (which illustrates a quarter of all protea species and provides an ideal background for school projects and an introduction to the protea's environment), we will only send atlassing kits to persons submitting a token "atlassing fee" of R15.00. This will cover the cost of the kit and postage. In future, only those atlassers submitting Sight Record Sheets will be entitled to free issues of the Protea Atlas Newsletter. An annual donation of R10.00 will be required if you are not actively involved in the project, but wish to be kept informed as to its progress. Amidst all this activity Leanne Gallard has been appointed as our Atlas Coordinator. From July till September she will be hard at work setting up procedures and learning the ropes. Her most daunting task is to learn how to identify a protea. If she can do it, so can you! Consequently, we will begin atlassing as soon as atlassing kits become available. At first, emphasis will be placed on those members who have already been involved in atlas activities. This will allow us to test our data-processing procedures in order to ensure that you enjoy the benefit of your involvement. In order to get things on the road, Leanne and I will be leading excursions during the next quarter. These are to introduce you (and Leanne) to the protea family, filling in a SRS and the joys of atlassing. During the second quarter, we will expand beyond the western Cape. Please book early: the required permits set stringent limits on the number of participants involved. We plan to have an official launching of the project early in 1992. More about that in future newsletters. Tony Rebelo Greetings Greetings to all atlassers from your new co-ordinator, newly arrived in the hotseat. Looking through the membership lists to date, I can see that I already know some of you. However, I hope to get to know all of you in the months to follow. Talking about the months to follow, I anticipate a very busy period ahead as the Protea Atlas gains momentum: recruitment, advertising, checking and correlating incoming data, financing, etc. I am confident that with your help the Protea Atlas will be an outstanding (ad)-venture. First, though, I must learn what proteas look like - hopefully we will learn together. Please remember that if you have any queries or ideas, you are welcome to contact me at the Protea Atlas address or at home (021) 615568. Leanne Gallard Back PAN 11 |