Other Sites
Have a look at some other interesting sites. These may be botanical sites or
sites which have links into the Protea Atlas website.
Sites for finding out how to Grow Proteas:
Fine Bush People
Growing Southern
Africa Native Plants
Sites for Commercial Growing of Proteas and Ordering Plants:
ARC-Fynbos Unit at Elsenburg
California Protea - Exotic Protea
Flowers for the Retail Florist
Protea Flower Exports - SA Protea
Producers and Exporters Association (SAPPEX)
Silverhill Seeds
Other sites
African Conservation
Africover - Food and Agriculture
Orginization of the United Nations
Botanical Society of South
Colin Paterson-Jones -
Nature Photographer and Writer
Gek Hoon's
Protea Atlassing impressions and her engagement
Helderberg Nature
National Botanical Institute
patterns of species richness and geographic ranges in African Proteaceae:
Bayesian Hierarchical Models by Professor JA Silander
African Garden
If you have a web site of botanical interest, especially South African, please e-mail protea@nbict.nbi.ac.za with your URL for a
possible link to be placed here.
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