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Matching Proteas to Your Garden


General fillers

Hedges & Screens

Focal Plants

Ground covers & Creepers

Adjacent ponds

Coastal Gardens

(on alkaline or neutral sands & limestone)

Au umbellata

Ld salignum

Ls truncatum

Pr repens

Ld coniferum

Ld galpinii

Ld meridianum

Pr lanceolata

Ls praecox

Mi saxatile

Pr obtusifolia

Pr susannae

Ld murii Ld laxum

Ld linifolium

Clay Soils

(well drained!)

Ld chamalea

Ld corymbosum

Ld cryptocephalm

Ld lanigerum

Ld modestum

Ld rubrum

Ld stellare

Ld stelligerum

Ld teretifolium

Ls calligerum

Pr burchellii

Pr coronata

Pr decurrens

Pr mucronifolia

Pr odorata

Pr pudens

Se brownii

  Ld elimense

Ls grandiflorum

Ls vestitum

Pr nitida

Ls heterophyllum Ld laxum
Acid Sands Almost any
Cape Mountain
species, except high altitude peat species.

White Sugarbush

Stream Conebush

Ld tinctum

Ld discolor

Ld platysperum

Ls conocarp.

Ls reflexum

Mi chrysanthus

Mi fimbriifolius

Pr laurifolia

Pr neriifolia

& others

Di buekii

Ls gracile

Ls saxosum

Ls royenifolium

Ls pedunculatum

Ls prostratum

Ls hypophyllocar.

Se cygnea

Se viridifolia

Ld floridum

Mi hirtus

Good Loams

(granite-derived, sandy loams

All above,
except some
acid sands
All above All above, plus

Ld argenteum

All above, plus

Se gracilis

All above
Container Plants

(bigger pots best)

- - Ls oleifolium

Mi argenteus

Mi hottentoticus

Or zeyheri

Pr nana

- -

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