Sensational New FindOn a field trip on 27 June 2002 Tony Rebelo made a sensational discovery. What is this Leucadendron shown below?
Tony Rebelo has pointed out that it is a Crown Conebush and looks rather like Leucadendron globosum or Leucadendron elimense salteri. Leucadandron globosum however, has glabrous stems whereas this conebush has pubescent stems. How significant is this? John Rourke has looked at the specimens but has not yet committed himself. He needs to compare this conebush with herbarium specimens. Perhaps we will have to wait until the plants flower? We won't have to wait too long - they are expected to flower in August... The plants were found to be growing over a 5km stretch near Caledon. Whatever the plant is eventually identified as, it is nevertheless a most interesting range extension. 30 June 2002 Nigel Forshaw 1 September 2002 The Protea Atlas Midweek team have discovered a new population of Ld elimense just south of Greyton. This is a major range extension. It is not clear yet whether this is a new species or just one of the three known subspecies, but preliminary information suggest that it is different. However, we will have to wait until the species flowers. A followup visit after the Caledon Wildflower Show suggests that it will be flowering soon. Tony Rebelo
We missed the full flowering of this conebush! This is what we saw. Nigel Forshaw
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