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Protea Diseases
Proteas are prone to a large variety of diseases,
most of them inconsequential in nature, but a bane to
gardeners who have only a few plants. Sterilization is
essential: wash spades and equipment used for seed beds
or for mulching with a strong fungicide before using near
proteas. Knives, shears, and secateurs should be
regularly sterilized using a strong disinfectant (clean
off before use!). Soil can be sterilized in large
quantities with methyl bromide or steam. Home growers
could oven bake soil (covered with foil) at 80°C for 30
minutes. |
Damping off Diseases
These are fungal (Colletotrichium or Rhizoctonia) diseases
which result in sudden, large-scale deaths. The fungus lives on
the soil surface and attacks seedlings at ground level, killing
cells in the stem and hence the plant.
Damping off is enhanced by:
- Re-using seeding soil without re-sterilizing
- Too high a density of seedlings
- Too damp a soil
- Poor ventilation and
- Too high or too low temperatures.
- Sterilize beds after sowing with a strong fungicide or
use new, sterile soil and briefly sterilize seeds using a
mild bleach solution
- Sow seed at a lower density
- Improve the drainage, or water less frequently taking
care not to wet leaves - alternatively water during the
early morning only so that plants don't remain wet
- Ensure adequate ventilation to help keep plants dry
- Place beds in full sunlight, with ground heating to
stimulate growth if conditions cool down too much at
Phytophthora cinnamoni (Root rot fungus)
This is a soil-borne fungus which results in root decay of
both young and adult plants. It is spread in water, and occurs in
all rivers throughout the country. It cannot spread fast in
acidic soils, but proliferates in disturbed soils. Different
species vary in their susceptability to Phytophthora. In
resistant species the symptoms are stunted growth due to root
death and branch die back, whereas susceptable species wilt and
die overnight, usually under hot weather conditions (when the
plant suddenly needs to make use of the roots that the fungus has
killed). If detected early enough, a severe pruning (remove
50-80% of leaves) may occasionally allow plants to recover.
- Fumigate potting and seeding soils (steam, methyl
bromide) and sterilize all equipment (spades and
containers) before use
- Keep soil, seed trays and potted seedlings well drained
and clear of standing water
- Burn dead plants
- Avoid planting susceptable species in poorly drained
- Never disturb the soil around established plants - rather
sow other plants in the bed: do not allow soil to remain
bare of plants for too long
- Alternate susceptable and resistant plants in beds and do
not plant too densely
- Graft susceptable strains onto resistant rootstocks.
- Before replanting where a plant has died, preferably with
a resistant species, apply undiluted fungicide into the
planting hole, and water well. If water is suspected of
containing spores, store it for few days, as the spores
which spread the disease have a short life-span.
- A variety of diseases and arthropods attack Proteaceae
leaves and stems. As a rule simply prune off diseased
material if it is causing die-back (sterilize equipment
before and after) and burn, and treat as you would any
other garden plant. Otherwise accept blackened leaves as
part of life.
Shoot blight, canker and die-back
Leaf lesions, stem cankers and premature death of flowerheads,
usually found in pincushions, are due to Drechslera (a fungus).
Cankers, lesions on stems and shoots, and leaf blight in Protea
are due to Colletotrichium (a fungus), which also causes dieback
in seedlings. When the above fungi have disfigured shoots,
Botryosphaeria fungi may become established and further weaken
infected plants.
- Avoid susceptable species or cultivars
- Sterilize seeds
- Prune and burn dead infected branches and
- Spray or dust infected areas with fungicides.
Leaf speck, blotch and spot diseases
These are caused by fungi which live superficially on the
leaves and, although they spoil the appearence of leaves, they
seldom require treatment. The treatment described above for other
fungal diseases will usually be effective.
Scab is caused by an Elsinoe fungus. Symptoms are similar to
citrus scab and include: corky lesions on the leaves, shoots and
flowering branches, resulting in twisting and distortion of the
stem and reduced flowering. Infection usually occurs when wet
weather coincides with a growth flush, and is enhanced by
overhead irrigation.
- Avoid susceptable species or cultivars
- Avoid overhead irrigation
- Plant in areas with good air circulation and
- Spray or dust with a contact or systemic fungicide.
Witches Broom
Witches broom occurs on a variety of Proteaceae species and is
associated with the Eriphyoid mite Aceria proteae. The symptoms
are a fine proliferation of small leaves and stems, often with a
redder tint than normal leaves, usually leading, after a few
years, to the death of the stem. Seedlings are killed and growth
and flower production is lowered in adult plants.
- Prune off and burn all proliferating material.
- Spray or dust adjacent material with a systemic
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