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Arid Conebushes - Leucadendrons
Red-edged Conebush - Leucadendron
Female |
Male |
Habit: A sprawling shrub
up 1.3m tall
Fire survival: Resprouts from underground bole
Sexual system: Flowers of one sex on separate plants
Flowers: September - October
Pollinator: Insects
Fruit: Released two months after flowering
Seed dispersal: Rodents
Seed storage: Dropped to gound after three months ripening and cached by
Rarity status: Not rare, isolated patches although extensive populations
Habitat: Stony, sandstone, soils, 800-1700m
Distribution: Cederberg, Olifants River Koue Bokkeveld, Groot Winterhoek
Mountains, Elandskloof, Hex River, Keeromsberg and Kwadouw Mountains |
Red-edged Conebush - Leucadendron
Female |
Male |
Habit: An upright shrub up
to 3m tall
Fire survival: Killed, only seeds survive
Sexual system: Flowers of one sex on separate plants
Flowers: September
Pollinator: Insects
Fruit: Released two months after flowering
Seed dispersal: Rodents
Seed storage: Dropped to gound after three months ripening and cached by
Rarity status: Rare,
Habitat: Stony, sandstone, soils, 800-1700m
Distribution: Hex River, Keeromsberg and Kwadouw Mountains
Note: At present this species is still included under Leucadendron
arcuatum, which is however a resprouter |
Gideon's Kop Conebush - Leucadendron
Female |
Male |
Habit: A erect shrub up
1.6m tall
Fire survival: Killed, only seeds survive
Sexual system: Flowers of one sex on separate plants
Flowers: October
Pollinator: Unknown - the flowerheads are unique in opening and closing
(at night and when overcast)
Fruit: Stored on plant, released after fire
Seed dispersal: Rodents
Seed storage: Dropped to gound after three months ripening and cached by
Rarity status: Endangered, known from two dense stands totalling 250
Habitat: Level, dry, sandy soil, among rocks, 1950-2000m
Distribution: Koue Bokkeveld at Gideonskop |
The Gideon's Kop Conebush - Leucadendron
bonum habitat in the Koue Bokkeveld

The large plant in the above photograph is Water
Sugarbush - Protea punctata. The Gideon's Kop Conebushes are the smaller
plants in the lower right half of the photograph
Grey Conebush - Leucadendron pubescens
Female |
Habit: A erect shrub
up2.5m tall
Fire survival: Killed, only seeds survive
Sexual system: Flowers of one sex on separate plants
Flowers: June - October, mainly July
Pollinator: Small beetles
Fruit: Stored on plant, released after fire
Seed dispersal: Rodents
Seed storage: Dropped to gound after three months ripening and cached by
Rarity status: Not threatened, extremely common
Habitat: Sandstone and quartzite soils, 60-1700m
Distribution: Bokkeveld escarpment, Gifberg, Cederberg, Piketberg,
Olifants River, Sandveld, Koue Bokkeveld, Hex River, Bonteberg and Kwadouw Mountains,
Witteberg and Touwsberg |
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