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English Common Names for Proteas
Common Names |
Genus |
Species |
Acorn Spiderhead |
Se |
balanocephala |
Artemesialeaf Serruria |
Se |
pedunculata |
Bearded Serruria |
Se |
phylicoides |
Bearded Spiderhead |
Se |
phylicoides |
Blushing Bride |
Se |
florida |
Bottlebrush Spiderhead |
Se |
brownii |
Bridesmaid Spiderhead |
Se |
rosea |
Candelabra Spiderhead |
Se |
effusa |
Cluster Spiderhead |
Se |
glomerata |
Common Pin Spiderhead |
Se |
fasciflora |
Common Rootstock Spiderhead |
Se |
acrocarpa |
Cryptic Spiderhead |
Se |
inconspicua |
Curly Spiderhead |
Se |
nervosa |
Dainty Spiderhead |
Se |
meisneriana |
Dillleaf Serruria |
Se |
triternata |
Downy Spiderhead |
Se |
phylicoides |
Fanleaf Spiderhead |
Se |
pedunculata |
Fasciated Serruria |
Se |
fasciflora |
Florid Serruria |
Se |
florida |
Fluted Spiderhead |
Se |
nervosa |
Fucusleaf Serruria |
Se |
fucifolia |
Golden Spiderhead |
Se |
villosa |
Graceful Spiderhead |
Se |
pinnata |
Grass Spiderhead |
Se |
deluvialis |
Grey Spiderhead |
Se |
pedunculata |
Hairy Spiderhead |
Se |
hirsuta |
Hex River Spiderhead |
Se |
dodii |
Hill Serruria |
Se |
collina |
Houwhoek Spiderhead |
Se |
flagellifolia |
Intrenched Serruria |
Se |
villosa |
King Spiderhead |
Se |
williamsii |
Kleinmond Spiderhead |
Se |
adscendens |
Kraaifontein Spiderhead |
Se |
furcellata |
Lashleaf Serruria |
Se |
flagellifolia |
Linearleaf Serruria |
Se |
linearis |
Littlebeak Serruria |
Se |
rostellaris |
Longstalk Spiderhead |
Se |
elongata |
Lost Spiderhead |
Se |
collina |
Louis Leipoldt's Spiderhead |
Se |
leipoldtii |
Macassar Spiderhead |
Se |
aemula congesta |
Marshmallow Spiderhead |
Se |
aitonii |
Mat Spiderhead |
Se |
viridifolia |
Matchstick Spiderhead |
Se |
zeyheri |
Matsikamma Spiderhead |
Se |
lacunosa |
Milky Spiderhead |
Se |
reflexa |
Millileaf Spiderhead |
Se |
millefolia |
Needleleaf Spiderhead |
Se |
linearis |
Northern Spiderhead |
Se |
fucifolia |
Peduncled Serruria |
Se |
pedunculata |
Peninsula Spiderhead |
Se |
decumbens |
Pride of Franschhoek |
Se |
florida |
Redstem Spiderhead |
Se |
rubricaulis |
Remote Spiderhead |
Se |
rostellaris |
Rival Serruria |
Se |
aemula |
Riviersonderend Spiderhead |
Se |
gremialis |
Rondevlei Spiderhead |
Se |
aemula foeniculacea |
Rose Spiderhead |
Se |
rosea |
Samphireleaf Serruria |
Se |
glomerata |
Sand Serruria |
Se |
trilopha |
Sandveld Spiderhead |
Se |
decipiens |
Shiny Spiderhead |
Se |
candicans |
Shortleaf Spiderhead |
Se |
roxburghii |
Silky Spiderhead |
Se |
phylicoides |
Silverpaw Spiderhead |
Se |
incrassata |
Slender Serruria |
Se |
pinnata |
Snowball Spiderhead |
Se |
krausii |
Southernwoodleaf Serruria |
Se |
millefolia |
Spindly Spiderhead |
Se |
heterophylla |
Spreading Spiderhead |
Se |
effusa |
Stalked Spiderhead |
Se |
elongata |
Star Spiderhead |
Se |
stellata |
Stately Spiderhead |
Se |
altiscapa |
Strawberry Spiderhead |
Se |
aemula |
Swan Spiderhead |
Se |
cygnea |
Swartkops Spiderhead |
Se |
hirsuta |
Thousandleaf Serruria |
Se |
millefolia |
Thousandleaf Spiderhead |
Se |
millefolia |
Threecrested Serruria |
Se |
trilopha |
Trident Spiderhead |
Se |
trilopha |
Tulbagh Spiderhead |
Se |
triternata |
Tygerberg Spiderhead |
Se |
aemula |
Valley Spiderhead |
Se |
villosa |
Viljoenshof Spiderhead |
Se |
bolusii |
Wavy Spiderhead |
Se |
confragosa |
Winterflowering Serruria |
Se |
decumbens |
Wuppertal Spiderhead |
Se |
flava |
Wynberg Spiderhead |
Se |
cyanoides |
Yellow Spiderhead |
Se |
flava |
Captitate Powderpuff |
So |
teretifolius |
Clubbearing Soranthe |
So |
clavigerus |
Common Powderpuff |
So |
lanatus |
Diminutive Powderpuff |
So |
tenuifolius |
Erect Powderpuff |
So |
clavigerus |
Fineleaf Soranthe |
So |
tenuifolius |
Flowerless Powderpuff |
So |
crassifolius |
Glandbearing Soranthe |
So |
imbricatus |
Longleaf Powderpuff |
So |
pinifolius |
Mat Powderpuff |
So |
palustris |
Mountain Soranthe |
So |
clavigerus |
Pineleaf Soranthe |
So |
pinifolius |
Pinhead Powderpuff |
So |
teretifolius |
Rock Soranthe |
So |
clavigerus |
Shaggy Soranthe |
So |
lanatus |
Tileleaf Powderpuff |
So |
imbricatus |
Tulbagh Powderpuff |
So |
scabridus |
Woolly Powderpuff |
So |
capitatus |
Woollystalk Powderpuff |
So |
alopecurus |
Bearded Spatalla |
Sp |
barbigera |
Curveleaf Spatalla |
Sp |
curvifolia |
Dwarf Spatalla |
Sp |
incurva |
Ericaleaf Spoon |
Sp |
ericoides |
Ericoid Spoon |
Sp |
ericoides |
Fineleaf Spoon |
Sp |
barbigera |
Heathleaf Spatalla |
Sp |
caudata |
Kinkstyle Spoon |
Sp |
salsoloides |
Lax Spoon |
Sp |
propinqua |
Laxstalked Spoon |
Sp |
racemosa |
Longleaf Spatalla |
Sp |
longifolia |
Longtube Spoon |
Sp |
confusa |
Matched Spatalla |
Sp |
parilis |
Medusa Spoon |
Sp |
nubicola |
Needleleaf Spoon |
Sp |
setacea |
Palmiet Spoon |
Sp |
prolifera |
Pinkstalked Spoon |
Sp |
longifolia |
Proliferous Spatalla |
Sp |
prolifera |
Redshell Spoon |
Sp |
squamata |
Shaggyhair Spoon |
Sp |
tulbaghensis |
Shiny Spoon |
Sp |
colorata |
Silky Spoon |
Sp |
squamata |
Silky Unispoon |
Sp |
squamata |
Silverleaf Spoon |
Sp |
argentea |
Slender Spatalla |
Sp |
racemosa |
Spike Spoon |
Sp |
parilis |
Swanhead Spoon |
Sp |
incurva |
Swanneck Spoon |
Sp |
thyrsiflora |
Tailflower Spatalla |
Sp |
caudata |
Tall Spatalla |
Sp |
incurva |
Thyrseflower Spatalla |
Sp |
thyrsiflora |
Whitestalked Spoon |
Sp |
curvifolia |
Woolly Spoon |
Sp |
mollis |
Woollyhair Spoon |
Sp |
caudata |
Waratah |
Te |
speciosissima |
Alpine Protea |
Ve |
alpina |
Kamiesberg Vexator |
Ve |
alpina |
Montagu Vexator |
Ve |
obtusata obtusata |
Robertson Vexator |
Ve |
latebrosa |
Swartruggens Vexator |
Ve |
amoena |
Witteberg Vexator |
Ve |
obtusata albomontana |
We are attempting to compile
comprehensive databases of common names in use. If you are aware
of any names used which are not in the list, please e-mail us at
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