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English Common Names for Proteas
Common Names |
Genus |
Species |
Common Pagoda |
Mi |
cucullatus |
Conical Pagoda |
Mi |
capitulatus |
Cryptic Pagoda |
Mi |
palustris |
Fringed Bottlebrush |
Mi |
fimbriifolius |
Fringeleaf Mimetes |
Mi |
fimbriifolius |
Golden Pagoda |
Mi |
chrysanthus |
Golden Pagoda |
Mi |
stokoei |
Hairy Mimetes |
Mi |
hirtus |
Kogelberg Pagoda |
Mi |
arboreus |
Kogelbergsilver Bottlebrush |
Mi |
arboreus |
Limestone Pagoda |
Mi |
saxatilis |
Lyrebearing Mimetes |
Mi |
cucullatus |
Mace Pagoda |
Mi |
stokoei |
Marsh Mimetes |
Mi |
palustris |
Marsh Pagoda |
Mi |
hirtus |
Matchstick Pagoda |
Mi |
hottentoticus |
Pineapplebush |
Mi |
hirtus |
Red Bottlebrush |
Mi |
cucullatus |
Red Pagoda |
Mi |
cucullatus |
Red Stump |
Mi |
cucullatus |
Red-and-yellow Bottlebrush |
Mi |
hirtus |
Redflamebush |
Mi |
cucullatus |
Silver Mimetes |
Mi |
argenteus |
Silver Pagoda |
Mi |
argenteus |
Silverleaf Bottlebrush |
Mi |
argenteus |
Silvery Mimetes |
Mi |
argenteus |
Slender Pagoda |
Mi |
pauciflorus |
Splendid Mimetes |
Mi |
splendidus |
Splendid Pagoda |
Mi |
splendidus |
Stokoe's Pagoda |
Mi |
stokoei |
Tall Pagoda |
Mi |
hirtus |
Threeflowered Pagoda |
Mi |
pauciflorus |
Tree Pagoda |
Mi |
fimbriifolius |
Marsh Rose |
Or |
zeyheri |
Mountain Rose |
Or |
zeyheri |
Bokkeveld Poppiesbos |
Pa |
bracteolaris |
Bottlebrush |
Pa |
sceptrum-gustavianus |
Bredasdorp Sceptre |
Pa |
abrotanifolius |
Clusterflower Paranomus |
Pa |
lagopus |
Exploding Baked Apple |
Pa |
longicaulis |
Fanleaf Paranomus |
Pa |
spathulatus |
Fineleaf Sceptre |
Pa |
capitatus |
Glabrousleaf Sceptre |
Pa |
bracteolaris |
Green Sceptre |
Pa |
reflexus |
Hairless Sceptre |
Pa |
bracteolaris |
Hairyleaf Sceptre |
Pa |
tomentosus |
Hairystyle Sceptre |
Pa |
adiantifolius |
Honeyscented Sceptre |
Pa |
roodebergensis |
King-Gustav's Sceptre |
Pa |
sceptrum-gustavianus |
Kogelberg Sceptre |
Pa |
spicatus |
Kouga Sceptre |
Pa |
esterhuyseniae |
Ladismith Sceptre |
Pa |
centaureoides |
Langeberg Sceptre |
Pa |
spathulatus |
Longhead Sceptre |
Pa |
dispersus |
Longstem Paranomus |
Pa |
longicaulis |
Maidenhairleaf Paranomus |
Pa |
adiantifolius |
Narrowbract Paranomus |
Pa |
bracteolaris |
Overberg Sceptre |
Pa |
bolusii |
Palmiet Sceptre |
Pa |
nova |
Powder Sceptre |
Pa |
candicans |
Rabbitpaw Sceptre |
Pa |
lagopus |
Samphireleaf Paranomus |
Pa |
spicatus |
Scented Sceptre |
Pa |
dregei |
Sceptrelike Paranomus |
Pa |
sceptrum-gustavianus |
Sceptre |
Pa |
sceptrum-gustavianus |
Silvery Paranomus |
Pa |
candicans |
Smoothleaf Tree Sceptre |
Pa |
bracteolaris |
Southernwoodleaf Paranomus |
Pa |
abrotanifolius |
Van Staden's Sceptre |
Pa |
reflexus |
Viking Sceptre |
Pa |
bolusii |
White Sceptre |
Pa |
sceptrum-gustavianus |
Woolly Sceptre |
Pa |
longicaulis |
We are attempting to compile
comprehensive databases of common names in use. If you are aware
of any names used which are not in the list, please e-mail us at
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