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English Common Names for Proteas
Common Names |
Genus |
Species |
Abietinum |
Ld |
teretifolium |
Acacialeaf Conebush |
Ld |
macowanii |
Adscendens |
Ld |
salignum |
Agulhas Conebush |
Ld |
stelligerum |
Asterleaf Protea |
Ld |
cinereum |
Babyrosette Conebush |
Ld |
sessile |
Beater-bush Conebush |
Ld |
dubium |
Beckside Gissonia |
Ld |
ericifolium |
Bokkeveld Conebush |
Ld |
nitidum |
Bokkeveld Conebush |
Ld |
remotum |
Bootpolish Conebush |
Ld |
microcephalum |
Bredasdorp Conebush |
Ld |
laxum |
Broad Goldtips |
Ld |
laureolum |
Broadleaf Conebush |
Ld |
gandogeri |
Brunialeaf Protea |
Ld |
corymbosum |
Caledon Conebush |
Ld |
elimense salteri |
Candelabra Conebush |
Ld |
comosum |
Cape Flats Conebush |
Ld |
levisanus |
Cape Silver Tree |
Ld |
argenteum |
Cedarberg Conebush |
Ld |
dubium |
Ceres Goldtips |
Ld |
arcuatum |
Clustered Euryspermum |
Ld |
salignum |
Comely Euryspermum |
Ld |
laureolum |
Common Spearleaf Conebush |
Ld |
spissifol. spissifolium |
Common Stream Conebush |
Ld |
salicifolium |
Common Sunshine Conebush |
Ld |
salignum |
Common Yellowbush |
Ld |
salignum |
Comosum |
Ld |
teretifolium |
Concealed Conebush |
Ld |
cryptocephalum |
Crassulaleaf Protea |
Ld |
arcuatum |
Crowdedleaf Euryspermum |
Ld |
spissifol. spissifolium |
Cuspidateleaf Euryspermum |
Ld |
salicifolium |
Daphnoides |
Ld |
tinctum |
Decorum |
Ld |
gandogeri |
Decorum |
Ld |
laureolum |
Decorum Star |
Ld |
laureolum |
Discolor |
Ld |
discolor |
Dish Conebush |
Ld |
dregei |
Droopy Conebush |
Ld |
cordatum |
Dune Conebush |
Ld |
coniferum |
Dune Yellowbush |
Ld |
coniferum |
Dustypink Conebush |
Ld |
coniferum |
DuToitskloof Conebush |
Ld |
daphnoides |
Elgin Conebush |
Ld |
globosum |
Elim Conebush |
Ld |
elimense elimense |
Emulous Euryspermum |
Ld |
xanthoconus |
Emulous Protea |
Ld |
pubescens |
Ericaleaf Conebush |
Ld |
ericifolium |
Ericaleaf Yellowbush |
Ld |
ericifolium |
Ericoid Conebush |
Ld |
ericifolium |
Flame Gold Tips |
Ld |
discolor |
Flame Goldtips |
Ld |
discolor |
Flametip Conebush |
Ld |
discolor |
Flats Conebush |
Ld |
floridum |
Flatseed Conebush |
Ld |
platyspermum |
Foetid Conebush |
Ld |
brunioides brunioides |
Fragrant Spearleaf Conebush |
Ld |
spissifolium fragrans |
Galpinii |
Ld |
pubescens |
Galpin's Conebush |
Ld |
galpinii |
Garden-Route Conebush |
Ld |
conicum |
Giant Pompom |
Ld |
daphnoides |
Gideonskop Conebush |
Ld |
bonum |
Gifberg Conebush |
Ld |
roodii |
Glabrum |
Ld |
gandogeri |
Globularialeaf Protea |
Ld |
linifolium |
Glossyleaf Conebush |
Ld |
xanthoconus |
Glutinous Protea |
Ld |
chamelaea |
Gnidialeaf Protea |
Ld |
stellare |
Golden Conebush |
Ld |
laureolum |
Golden Glory Conebush |
Ld |
gandogeri |
Golden Rose Conebush |
Ld |
pubibracteolatum |
Golden Sunshinebush |
Ld |
laureolum |
Goldenleaf Conebush |
Ld |
pubibracteolatum |
Goldenrosette Conebush |
Ld |
orientale |
Goldentips |
Ld |
salignum |
Goldentips |
Ld |
xanthoconus |
Goldtips |
Ld |
salignum |
Goldtips Conebush |
Ld |
spissifolium |
Goldtops Conebush |
Ld |
salignum |
Graafwater Conebush |
Ld |
brunioides flumenlupinm |
Grabouw Conebush |
Ld |
globosum |
Grandiflorum |
Ld |
pubibracteolatum |
Grandiflorum |
Ld |
tinctum |
Gray Protea |
Ld |
cinereum |
Greenflower Conebush |
Ld |
loranthifolium |
Greenflower Sunbush |
Ld |
loranthifolium |
Grey Conebush |
Ld |
conicum |
Grey Conebush |
Ld |
pubescens |
Greymat Conebush |
Ld |
pubescens |
Gumleaf Conebush |
Ld |
eucalyptifolium |
Gydo Conebush |
Ld |
gydoense |
Hairless Conebush |
Ld |
galpinii |
Hillock Gisonia |
Ld |
rubrum |
Hopefield Conebush |
Ld |
foedum |
Incisum |
Ld |
salignum |
Ivory Conebush |
Ld |
procerum |
Jonaskop Conebush |
Ld |
nervosum |
Kammanasie Conebush |
Ld |
singulare |
Kareedouwvlakte Spearleaf Conebush |
Ld |
spissifolium phillipsii |
Karoo Conebush |
Ld |
nobile |
Klapmuts Conebush |
Ld |
verticillatum |
Kouga Conebush |
Ld |
sorocephalodes |
Laingsburg Conebush |
Ld |
osbornei |
Langeberg Conebush |
Ld |
radiatum |
Lanky Conebush |
Ld |
procerum |
Large Pink Cone |
Ld |
coniferum |
Largeflower Euryspermum |
Ld |
grandiflorum |
Lauralleaf Conebush |
Ld |
laureolum |
Lemonrosette Conebush |
Ld |
tradouwense |
Limestone Conebush |
Ld |
meridianum |
Linearleaf Conebush |
Ld |
album |
Lineleaf Conebush |
Ld |
linifolium |
Loerie Conebush |
Ld |
loeriense |
Lokenberg Conebush |
Ld |
sheilae |
Lollypop |
Ld |
tinctum |
Longleaf Conebush |
Ld |
eucalyptifolium |
Longstem Protea |
Ld |
linifolium |
Loranthusleaf Protea |
Ld |
loranthifolium |
Malmesbury Conebush |
Ld |
thymifolium |
Marsh Euryspermum |
Ld |
salicifolium |
Mini Tulip Conebush |
Ld |
salignum |
Minipompom Conebush |
Ld |
sessile |
Modestcone Conebush |
Ld |
modestum |
Mountain Conebush |
Ld |
gandogeri |
Mountain Rose |
Ld |
globosum |
Mountain Rose |
Ld |
strobilinum |
Mountain Rose |
Ld |
tinctum |
Mucroleaf Conebush |
Ld |
coniferum |
Narrow Goldtips |
Ld |
coniferum |
Natal Spearleaf Conebush |
Ld |
spissifolium natalense |
Needleleaf Conebush |
Ld |
nobile |
Needleleaf Conebush |
Ld |
teretifolium |
Nestflower Conebush |
Ld |
salignum |
Nieuwoudtville Conebush |
Ld |
remotum |
Oilbract Conebush |
Ld |
microcephalum |
Oily Conebush |
Ld |
glaberrimum |
Onecolour Euryspermum |
Ld |
globosum |
Orangecone Conebush |
Ld |
dregei |
Oribi Spearleaf Conebush |
Ld |
spissifolium oribinum |
Oriental Conebush |
Ld |
orientale |
Outeniqua Conebush |
Ld |
uliginosum uliginosum |
Paintedrosette Conebush |
Ld |
tinctum |
Pakhuis Conebush |
Ld |
concavum |
Peach Conebush |
Ld |
album |
Peninsula Conebush |
Ld |
strobilinum |
Piketberg Conebush |
Ld |
discolor |
Pineleaf Chasme |
Ld |
comosum homaeophyllum |
Plateseed Conebush |
Ld |
platyspermum |
Platty |
Ld |
platyspermum |
Platystar |
Ld |
platyspermum |
Plumosum |
Ld |
rubrum |
Pompom |
Ld |
discolor |
Pondo Conebush |
Ld |
pondoense |
Pondo Spearleaf Conebush |
Ld |
spissifolium natalense |
Pondoland Conebush |
Ld |
pondoense |
Pondoland Streambush |
Ld |
pondoense |
Purple-leaf Conebush |
Ld |
pubibracteolatum |
Ramentaceous Chasme |
Ld |
comosum |
Red Adscendens |
Ld |
salignum |
Red Conebush |
Ld |
discolor |
Rededge Conebush |
Ld |
arcuatum |
Ridgecone Conebush |
Ld |
comosum |
River Conebush |
Ld |
salicifolium |
Riviersonderend Conebush |
Ld |
burchellii |
Rock Conebush |
Ld |
strobilinum |
Rose Cockade |
Ld |
tinctum |
Rosette Conebush |
Ld |
coriaceum |
Roughleaf Conebush |
Ld |
modestum |
Roundleaf Chasme |
Ld |
teretifolium |
Rubycone Conebush |
Ld |
conicum |
Sabulosum |
Ld |
coniferum |
Sabulosum |
Ld |
eucalyptifolium |
Sabulosum |
Ld |
xanthoconus |
Salignum |
Ld |
xanthoconus |
Scallopnest Conebush |
Ld |
microcephalum |
Scraggly Conebush |
Ld |
cinereum |
Scytheleaf Protea |
Ld |
galpinii |
Shale Conebush |
Ld |
lanigerum |
Shineycone Conebush |
Ld |
spissifolium |
Sickleleaf Conebush |
Ld |
xanthoconus |
Silky Conebush |
Ld |
meridianum |
Silky Conebush |
Ld |
pubescens |
Silky Euryspermum |
Ld |
floridum |
Silky Gissonia |
Ld |
sericeum |
Silkyleaf Conebush |
Ld |
nervosum |
Silkyruff Conebush |
Ld |
nervousm |
Silver Conetree |
Ld |
argenteum |
Silver Pine Tree |
Ld |
argenteum |
Silver Tree |
Ld |
argenteum |
Silverball Conebush |
Ld |
muirii |
Silverbush |
Ld |
uliginosum |
Silvercone |
Ld |
argenteum |
Silvercone |
Ld |
muirii |
Silvercone Conebush |
Ld |
galpinii |
Silvercone Conebush |
Ld |
muirii |
Silvercones |
Ld |
meridianum |
Silvercones |
Ld |
xanthoconus |
Silvertops |
Ld |
linifolium |
Silvertops |
Ld |
meridianum |
Silvertops Conebush |
Ld |
galpinii |
Silvery Euryspermum |
Ld |
uliginosum uliginosum |
Silvery Protea |
Ld |
argenteum |
Smallhead Euryspermum |
Ld |
rubrum |
Smartrose |
Ld |
laxum |
Spatulaleaf Protea |
Ld |
levisanus |
Spearleaf Conebush |
Ld |
spissifolium |
Spicy Conebush |
Ld |
tinctum |
Spinning Top |
Ld |
rubrum |
Spinningtop Conebush |
Ld |
rubrum |
Spinningtop Conebush |
Ld |
rubrum |
Spiral Chasme |
Ld |
spirale |
Squarrose Protea |
Ld |
lanigerum |
Star Conebush |
Ld |
stellare |
Stawberrycone Conebush |
Ld |
album |
Stawberrycone Silverbush |
Ld |
album |
Strawberries |
Ld |
modestum |
Strawberry Conebush |
Ld |
teretifolium |
Strictum |
Ld |
salicifolium |
Strictum |
Ld |
salignum |
Strobiled Protea |
Ld |
strobilinum |
Summit Conebush |
Ld |
dregei |
Sun Conebush |
Ld |
sessile |
Sunny |
Ld |
floridum |
Sunshinebush |
Ld |
discolor |
Swartberg Conebush |
Ld |
barkerae |
Swartveld Conebush |
Ld |
corymbosum |
Tall Euryspermum |
Ld |
procerum |
Tall Yellowbush |
Ld |
eucalyptifolium |
Terete Conebush |
Ld |
teretifolium |
Thymeleaf Protea |
Ld |
thymifolium |
Top Bush |
Ld |
rubrum |
Tortum |
Ld |
brunioides brunioides |
Tortum |
Ld |
linifolium |
Tradouw Conebush |
Ld |
tradouwense |
Trailing Euryspermum |
Ld |
salignum |
Tsitsikamma Conebush |
Ld |
uliginosum glabratum |
Tufted Chasme |
Ld |
comosum |
Tumbleweed |
Ld |
gandogeri |
Ugi |
Ld |
uliginosum glabratum |
Uniondale Conebush |
Ld |
rourkei |
Van Rhynsdorp Conebush |
Ld |
meyerianum |
Van Staden's Conebush |
Ld |
orientale |
Van Staden's Sunbush |
Ld |
orientale |
Venosum |
Ld |
sessile |
Villiersdorp Ridgecone Conebush |
Ld |
comosum homaeophyllum |
Visgat Conebush |
Ld |
diemontianum |
Vlei Rose |
Ld |
laxum |
Voluteleaf Euryspermum |
Ld |
spissifol. spissifolium |
Vyeboom Conebush |
Ld |
elimense vyeboomensis |
Waabooms Conebush |
Ld |
sericeum |
Western Sunbush |
Ld |
sessile |
Willowleaf Conebush |
Ld |
salicifolium |
Willowlike Euryspermum |
Ld |
coniferum |
Witsenberg Conebush |
Ld |
chamelaea |
Witteberg Sprawling Conebush |
Ld |
cadens |
Witteberg Sunbush |
Ld |
cadens |
Wolseley Conebush |
Ld |
spirale |
Woolly Conebush |
Ld |
sorocephalodes |
Worcester Conebush |
Ld |
flexuosum |
Worcester Shale Conebush |
Ld |
lanigerum laevigatum |
Wynberg Conebush |
Ld |
grandiflorum |
Yellow Conebush |
Ld |
olens |
Yellow Conebush |
Ld |
xanthoconus |
Yellow Discolor |
Ld |
discolor |
Yellow Tulip Conebush |
Ld |
laureolum |
We are attempting to compile
comprehensive databases of common names in use. If you are aware
of any names used which are not in the list, please e-mail us at
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