Plant Sale / Garden Fair 18-19 March 2000
Protea Additions
Aulax cancellata
Leucadendron "Jubilee Crown"
Leucadendron "Winter Red"
Leucadendron gandogeri
Protea "Fiery Duchess"
Protea "Pink Duke"
Protea "Red Baron"
Protea "Red Robe"
Protea "Sugar Daddy"
Protea lacticolor
Protea Cancellations
Leucospermum "Scarlet Ribbon"
Leucospermum "Starlight"
Leucospermum "Veld Fire"
Leucospermum "Yellow Bird"
Leucospermum reflexum var luteum
Protea "Sneyd"
NB: Come early. Most popular lines sell out quickly! If you have something you
particularly want, please come before 10am.
NB: About 700 plants will be restocked on Saturday afternoon, so if you miss something
on Saturday by being late, they may be there on Sunday early.
Back Plant Sale / Garden Fair 18-19 March 2000